Returns the topological polar surface area for a given molecule as described in the Polar Surface Area section. The SandP parameter controls whether sulfur and phosphorus should be counted towards the total surface area. See example in Figure: Example of depicting the atom contributions of the polar surface area.


TPSA values are mildly sensitive to the protonation state of a molecule.

The atomPSA parameter can be used to retrieve the contribution of each atom to the total polar surface area as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1: Example of retrieving individual atom contributions to PSA

float[] atomPSA = new float[mol.GetMaxAtomIdx()];
float psa = OEMolProp.OEGet2dPSA(mol, atomPSA);

Console.WriteLine("PSA = " + psa);
foreach (OEAtomBase atom in mol.GetAtoms())
    uint idx = atom.GetIdx();
    Console.WriteLine("{0:d} {1:0.00}", idx, atomPSA[idx]);

Example of depicting the atom contributions of the polar surface area (ignoring S and P atoms)

(Darker colors and longer spikes indicate larger PSA atom contributions)


Example of depicting the atom contributions of the polar surface area (considering S and P atoms)

(Darker colors and longer spikes indicate larger PSA atom contributions)

See also

The Python script that visualizes the polar surface area of a molecule can be downloaded from the OpenEye Python Cookbook

See also

Polar Surface Area section