
class OESurface : public OESystem::OEBase


OESurface(const OESurface &rhs)
OESurface(const OESurfaceImpl &rhs)

Default and copy constructors.

operator bool

operator bool() const

Whether the surface contains any data (vertices).


void Clear()

Delete and deallocate all data associated with this surface. This includes all OEBase data as well.


bool ClearVertexClique()

Sets every vertex clique value to zero. Afterwards, OESurface.IsVertexCliqueSet will return false. This will prevent vertex clique values from being output by OEWriteSurface.


OESystem::OEBase *CreateCopy() const


bool GetAtoms(unsigned int *atoms) const

Fills the memory pointed to by atoms with the atom index associated with every vertex of the surface. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumVertices() unsigned ints.


unsigned int GetAtomsElement(unsigned int n) const

Retrieves an element from the internal atoms array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices().


bool GetColor(float *color) const
bool GetColor(unsigned char *color) const

Fills the memory pointed to by color with the color associated with every vertex of the surface. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumVertices() * 4 floats or GetNumVertices() * 4 unsigned chars, depending on which overload is used.


void GetColorElement(unsigned int n, float &r, float &g, float &b, float &a) const
void GetColorElement(unsigned int n, unsigned char &r, unsigned char &g,
                     unsigned char &b, unsigned char &a) const

Retrieves an element from the internal color array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices().


bool GetCurvature(float *curvature) const

Fills the memory pointed to by curvature with the curvature associated with every vertex of the surface. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumVertices() floats.


float GetCurvatureElement(unsigned int n) const

Retrieves an element from the internal curvature array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices().


const void *GetDataType() const


bool GetDistance(float *distance) const

Fills the memory pointed to by distance with the distance each vertex is from another object. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumVertices() floats.


float GetDistanceElement(unsigned int n) const

Retrieves an element from the internal distance array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices().


bool GetFaceNormals(float *faceNormals) const

Fills the memory pointed to by faceNormals with a normal vector associated with every triangle of the surface. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumTriangles() * 3 floats.


bool GetFaceNormal(unsigned int n, float *normal) const

Retrieves a 3-component face normal vector for the specified triangle and stores it in the normal array. The index n must be less than GetNumTriangles(). Returns true upon success.


float GetFaceNormalsElement(unsigned int n) const

This method has been deprecated. Use OESurface.GetFaceNormal instead.


bool GetNormals(float *normals) const

Fills the memory pointed to by normals with a normal vector associated with every vertex of the surface. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumVertices() * 3 floats. A vertex normal is calculated by averaging the face normals of all the triangles in which the vertex resides.


bool GetNormal(unsigned int n, float *normal) const

Retrieves an 3-component vertex normal for the specified vertex and stores it in the normal array. The index n must be less than GetNumVertices(). This method returns true upon success.


float GetNormalsElement(unsigned int n) const

This method has been deprecated. Use OESurface.GetNormal instead.


unsigned int GetNumTriangles() const

Returns the number of triangles in the surface.


unsigned int GetNumVertices() const

Returns the number of vertices in the surface.


bool GetPotential(float *potential) const

Fills the memory pointed to by potential with the potential associated with every vertex of the surface. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumVertices() floats.


float GetPotentialElement(unsigned int n) const

Retrieves an element from the internal potentials array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices().


const char *GetPotentialName() const

Returns name of the potentials stored in the surface’s potential array.


float GetProbeRadius() const

Returns the probe radius used in the construction of the surface.


float GetResolution() const

Returns the grid spacing used in the surface construction.


const char *GetTitle() const

Returns the title of the surface.


bool GetTriangles(unsigned int *triangles) const

Fills the memory pointed to by triangles with the vertex indices that compose every triangle in the surface. The vertex indices will obey the clockwise ordering rule described in the Triangles section. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumTriangles() * 3 unsigned ints.


bool GetTriangle(unsigned int n, unsigned int *triangle) const

Retrieves the three vertex indices for the specified triangle and stores them in the triangle array. The triangle index n must be less than GetNumTriangles().


unsigned int GetTrianglesElement(unsigned int n) const

This method has been deprecated. Use OESurface.GetTriangle instead.


bool GetVertex(unsigned int n, float *vertex) const

Retrieves coordinates for the specified vertex and stores them in the vertex array. The vertex index n must be less than GetNumVertices().


bool GetVertexClique(unsigned int *vertexClique) const

Fills the memory pointed to by vertexClique with the clique values associated with every vertex of the surface. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumVertices() unsigned ints.


unsigned int GetVertexCliqueElement(unsigned int n) const

Retrieves an element from the internal cliques array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices().


bool GetVertices(float *vertices) const

Fills the memory pointed to by vertices with the vertex coordinates of the surface. Vertices are aligned every three places in the array as described in the Vertices section. The array passed in should be large enough to hold GetNumVertices() * 3 floats.


float GetVerticesElement(unsigned int n) const

This method has been deprecated. Use OESurface.GetVertex instead.


bool IsAtomsSet() const

Determine whether the surface has atom indices associated with each vertex. Surfaces generated from OEMakeAccessibleSurface and OEMakeAccessibleSurface automatically set this data.


bool IsColorSet() const

Determine whether the surface has color values associated with each vertex.


bool IsCurvatureSet() const

Determine whether the surface has curvature value calculated for each vertex.


bool IsDataType(const void *type) const


bool IsDistanceSet() const

Determine whether the surface has a distance value associated with each vertex.


bool IsFaceNormalsSet() const

Determine whether the surface has face normals calculated for each triangle.


bool IsNormalsSet() const

Determine whether the surface has vertex normals calculated for each vertex. Surfaces generated from OEMakeAccessibleSurface and OEMakeAccessibleSurface automatically set this data.


bool IsPotentialSet() const

Determine whether the surface has a potential value associated with each vertex.


bool IsVertexCliqueSet() const

Determine whether the surface has a clique value associated with each vertex.


bool SetAtoms(const unsigned int *atoms)

Sets the internal atoms array data to the values pointed to by atoms. This should be a pointer to an array of unsigned ints of length GetNumVertices(). Returns true upon success.


bool SetAtomsElement(unsigned int n, unsigned int value)

Sets an element in the internal atoms array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices(). Returns true upon success.


bool SetColor(const float *color)
bool SetColor(const unsigned char *color)

Sets the internal color array data to the values pointed to by color. This should be a pointer to an array of floats or unsigned chars of length GetNumVertices() * 4 or GetNumVertices() * 4 respectively. Returns true upon success.


bool SetColorElement(unsigned int n, float r, float g, float b, float a=1.0f)
bool SetColorElement(unsigned int n, unsigned char r, unsigned char g,
                     unsigned char b, unsigned char a=255)

Sets an element in the internal color array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices(). The alpha value, a, defaults to be opaque. Returns true upon success.


bool SetCurvature(const float *curvature)

Sets the internal curvature array data to the values pointed to by curvature. This should be a pointer to an array of floats of length GetNumVertices(). Returns true upon success.


bool SetCurvatureElement(unsigned int n, float value)

Sets an element in the internal curvature array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices(). Returns true upon success.


bool SetDistance(const float *distance)

Sets the internal distance array data to the values pointed to by distance. This should be a pointer to an array of floats of length GetNumVertices(). Returns true upon success.


bool SetDistanceElement(unsigned int n, float value)

Sets an element in the internal distance array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices. Returns true upon success.


bool SetFaceNormal(unsigned int n, const float *normal)

Sets the face normal for the specified triangle index. The triangle index n must be less than GetNumTriangles(), and normal must contain three elements. Returns true upon success.


bool SetFaceNormals(const float *faceNormals)

Sets the internal face normals array data to the values pointed to by faceNormals. This should be a pointer to an array of floats of length GetNumTriangles() * 3. Face normals are associated with triangles by their location in the array. Returns true upon success.


bool SetFaceNormalsElement(unsigned int n, float value)

This method has been deprecated. Use OESurface.SetFaceNormal instead.


bool SetNormal(unsigned int n, const float *normal)

Sets the vertex normal for the specified vertex. The vertex index n must be less than GetNumVertices(), and normal must contain three elements. Returns true upon success.


bool SetNormals(const float *normals)

Sets the internal vertex normals array data to the values pointed to by normals. This should be a pointer to an array of floats of length GetNumVertices() * 3. Vertex normals are associated with vertices by their location in the array. Returns true upon success.


bool SetNormalsElement(unsigned int n, float value)

This method has been deprecated. Use OESurface.SetNormal instead.


bool SetNumTriangles(unsigned int n)


Expert use only.

Set the number of triangles in this surface. Setting this to a value lower than OESurface.GetNumTriangles effectively erases triangles from the surface. The memory for the OESurface is not freed immediately, but cached for reuse. The Clear method should be used if deallocation is desired. Deallocation is also handled automatically by the class destructor.

If the user wants to add more triangles to the surface, SetNumTriangles should be called first to resize the internal triangles array. Note that the methods for accessing individual triangles should not be used after a call to SetNumTriangles. Any data reliant on the number of triangles should first be set using the array based methods. This includes OESurface.SetTriangles and OESurface.SetFaceNormals.


bool SetNumVertices(unsigned int n)


Expert use only.

Set the number of vertices in this surface. Setting this to a value lower than GetNumVertices effectively erases vertices from the surface. The memory for the OESurface is not freed immediately, but cached for reuse. The OESurface.Clear method should be used if deallocation is desired. Deallocation is also handled automatically by the class destructor.

If the user wants to add more vertices to the surface, OESurface.SetNumVertices should be called first to resize the internal vertices array. Note that the methods for accessing individual vertices should not be used after a call to SetNumVertices. Any data reliant on the number of vertices should first be set using the array based methods. These include the following:


bool SetPotential(const float *potential)

Sets the internal potential array data to the values pointed to by potential. This should be a pointer to an array of floats of length GetNumVertices() * sizeof(float). Returns true upon success.


bool SetPotentialElement(unsigned int n, float value)

Sets an element in the internal potential array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices(). Returns true upon success.


void SetPotentialName(const char *name)

Set the name of the potentials that are set on the surface.


bool SetTitle(const char *title)
bool SetTitle(const std::string &title)

Set the title of the surface.


bool SetTriangle(unsigned int n, const unsigned int *triangle)

Sets the vertex indices for the specified triangle. The triangle index n must be less than GetNumTriangles(), and triangle must contain three elements. Returns true upon success.


bool SetTriangles(const unsigned int *triangles)

Sets the internal triangles array data to the values pointed to by triangles. This should be a pointer to an array of unsigned ints of length GetNumTriangles() * 3. Returns true upon success.


bool SetTrianglesElement(unsigned int n, unsigned int value)

This method is deprecated. Use OESurface.SetTriangle instead.


bool SetVertex(unsigned int n, const float *vertex)

Sets the coordinates for the specified vertex. The vertex index n must be less than GetNumVertices(), and vertex must contain three elements. Returns true upon success.


bool SetVertexClique(const unsigned int *vertexClique)

Sets the internal vertex clique array data to the values pointed to by vertexClique. This should be a pointer to an array of unsigned ints of length GetNumVertices(). Returns true upon success.


bool SetVertexCliqueElement(unsigned int n, unsigned int value)

Sets an element in the internal vertex clique array. The index n should be less than GetNumVertices(). Returns true upon success.


bool SetVertices(const float *vertices)

Sets the internal vertices array data to the values pointed to by vertices. This should be a pointer to an array of floats of length GetNumVertices() * 3. Returns true upon success.


bool SetVerticesElement(unsigned int n, float value)

This method is deprecated. Use OESurface.SetVertex instead.