Abxtract Floes - Documentation¶
- AbXtract/AIRR File to Orion Dataset - AbXtract
- Automated Top Lead Selection - AbXtract
- Cluster (AbScan) Antibody Binding Regions - AbXtract
- Condense Dataset by Region of Interest by Most Abundant - AbXtract
- Custom NGS Select by Seq ID of Additional NGS Representatives by Group - AbXtract
- Custom SANGER Select of Additional NGS Representatives by Group - AbXtract
- Export AIRR Fields for Dataset - AbXtract
- Liability Quantification Across CDRs - AbXtract
- Logomaker for Antibody CDRs - AbXtract
- Modify Sample Name/Barcode Group for Downstream Processing - AbXtract
- NGS IgMatcher, Annotation Only - AbXtract
- NGS Pipeline - AbXtract
- NGS Pipeline with Automated Top Lead Selection - AbXtract
- NGS UMIs Extract and Annotation - AbXtract
- NGS and Sanger Pipeline - AbXtract
- NGS and Sanger Pipeline with Automated Top Lead Selection - AbXtract
- Overlap Among Different Datasets - AbXtract
- Quick Sanger - AbXtract
- Relative Abundance and Enrichment Calculation by Region of Interest (ROI) - AbXtract
- Subset the Number of Fields for Export - AbXtract