AbXtract Processing, NGS Only¶
Processes NGS FASTQ files and SANGER sequences, clusters by region of interest (ROI), calculates fold enrichment and/or relative abundance by ROI, quantifies liabilities across all the cdrs,
Main Parameters¶
Parameter Name |
Biophysical Conversion |
Clustering Type |
Early Round Absence Penalty |
Late Round Absence Penalty |
Edit Distance Method For NGS Overlay |
Exclude Values That Did Not Match In-Line Barcode |
Keep Only Functional Sequences |
Max Distance for Levenshtein or Hamming, If Selected |
Minimum Count for the Full-Length Sequence by Sample |
Minimum Number of Points to Consider a Cluster |
Indicate whether the ABSCAN should utilize OPTICS (preferred) or DBSCAN |
Edit Distance for Overlay of NGS Barcode Groups |
Region of Interest For Enrichment and Clustering |
Minimum Count for the Region of Interest (ROI) |
Minimum Percent for the Region of Interest (ROI) |
Tabulate Ratio to Top Most Abundant Clone in Sequence or By Selected ROI |
Write the Downstream Output to CSV File |
Xi Minimum Steepness of Reachability Plot |
Parameter Details¶
Calculation Parameters¶
Biophysical Conversion (biophysical_conversion) type: boolean: Should we convert each AA sequence into physicochemical equivalent, e.g. E,D - negative charge
- This is only applicable to AbScan.
- Default: True
- Clustering Type (cluster_type) type: string: Cluster type to apply to sequencing datasetDefault: AbScanChoices: AbScan, Unique Only, Levenshtein Distance, Hamming Distance
- Early Round Absence Penalty (corr_factor_1) type: integer: Indicates the divisor in event sequence does not appear in a early round population min(round 2) / (correction factor 1). Greater value adds greater weight to enriched populations not appearing in earlier rounds.Default: 2
- Late Round Absence Penalty (corr_factor_2) type: integer: Indicates the divisor in event sequence does not appear in a late round population min(round 3) / (correction factor 2). Greater value adds greater weight to enriched populations not appearing in earlier rounds.Default: 10
- CPUs (cpu_count) type: integer: The number of CPUs to run this cube withDefault: 1 , Min: 1, Max: 128
- Cube Metrics (cube_metrics) type: string: Set of metrics to be collectedChoices: cpu, disk, memory, network
- Temporary Disk Space (MiB) (disk_space) type: decimal: The minimum amount of disk space in MiB (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.Default: 5120.0 , Min: 128.0, Max: 8589934592
- Edit Distance Method For NGS Overlay (edit_distance_method_overlap) type: string: Indicate the type of edit distance method to apply for the overlap to complete population. NOTE: only in effect if edit distance criterion for ‘Overlay of NGS Barcode Groups’ = 0Default: Levenshtein DistanceChoices: Hamming Distance, Levenshtein Distance
- Exclude Values That Did Not Match In-Line Barcode (exclude_unknown) type: boolean: If True, will exclude unknown values that did not have a barcode match, unless there is only one barcode for the entire NGS population.Default: True
- Keep Only Functional Sequences (filter_functional) type: boolean: Eliminates non-functional sequences, truncations, stop-codons, frame-shiftsDefault: True
- GPUs (gpu_count) type: integer: The number of GPUs to run this cube withDefault: 0 , Max: 16
- Instance Tags (instance_tags) type: string: Only run on machines with matching tags (comma separated)Default: “”
- Instance Type (instance_type) type: string: The type of instance that this cube needs to be run on
- liability database file (liabilities_db) type: file_in: Provide liabilities file (xls, csv, tsv) with 2 columns (regex pattern, name of liability)
- Biophysical Liabilities (liability_choices_charge) type: string: Net charge or hydropathy liabilities to quantifyDefault: [‘Charge (>1)’]Choices: Charge (>-1), Charge (>0), Charge (>1), Charge (>2), Charge (>3), Charge (>4), Parker Hydropathy (<0.0), Parker Hydropathy (<-0.1), Parker Hydropathy (<-0.2), Parker Hydropathy (<-0.3), Parker Hydropathy (<-0.4), Parker Hydropathy (<-0.5), Parker Hydropathy (<-0.6), Parker Hydropathy (<-0.7), Parker Hydropathy (<-0.8), Parker Hydropathy (<-0.9), Parker Hydropathy (<-1.0), Parker Hydropathy (<-2.0), Parker Hydropathy (<-3.0), Parker Hydropathy (<-4.0), Parker Hydropathy (<-5.0)
- Cysteine Liabilities (liability_choices_cysteine) type: string: cysteine-based liabilities to quantifyDefault: [‘Unpaired Cysteine’]Choices: Unpaired Cysteine, Any Cysteine
- Deamidation Liabilities (liability_choices_deam) type: string: deamidation liabilities to quantifyDefault: [‘NG - Deamidation’, ‘NS - Deamidation’, ‘NT - Deamidation’, ‘NN - Deamidation’, ‘GNF - Deamidation’, ‘GNY - Deamidation’, ‘GNT - Deamidation’, ‘GNG - Deamidation’, ‘QG - Glutamine Deamidation’]Choices: N[GSTN] - Deamidation, NG - Deamidation, NS - Deamidation, NT - Deamidation, NN - Deamidation, GN[FYTG] - Deamidation, GNF - Deamidation, GNY - Deamidation, GNT - Deamidation, GNG - Deamidation, QG - Glutamine Deamidation
- Glycosylation Liabilities (liability_choices_glyc) type: string: glycosylation liabilities to quantifyDefault: [‘NXT/S - Glycosylation’]Choices: NXT/S - Glycosylation, NXT - Glycosylation, NXS - Glycosylation
- Hydrolysis Liabilities (liability_choices_hydrolysis) type: string: hydrolysis liabilities to quantifyDefault: [‘DP - Hydrolysis’]Choices: DP - Hydrolysis
- Isomerization Liabilities (liability_choices_iso) type: string: isomerization liabilities to quantifyDefault: [‘DG - Isomerization’, ‘DS - Isomerization’, ‘DD - Isomerization’]Choices: D[GSD] - Isomerization, DG - Isomerization, DS - Isomerization, DD - Isomerization
- Polyspecificity Liabilities (liability_choices_poly) type: string: polyspecificity liabilities to quantifyDefault: [‘Three Consecutive Aromatics - Polyspecificity’, ‘RR - Polyspecificity’, ‘VG - Polyspecificity’, ‘VV - Polyspecificity’, ‘WW - Polyspecificity’, ‘GGG - Polyspecificity’, ‘WXW - Polyspecificity’, ‘YY - Polyspecificity’]Choices: Three Consecutive Aromatics - Polyspecificity, RR - Polyspecificity, VG - Polyspecificity, VV - Polyspecificity, YY - Polyspecificity, WW - Polyspecificity, GGG - Polyspecificity, WXW - Polyspecificity
- Max Distance for Levenshtein or Hamming, If Selected (max_dist_ld_hm) type: integer: Select the maximum edit distance for two sequences to belong to same cluster group.Default: 2 , Max: 50
- Memory (MiB) (memory_mb) type: decimal: The minimum amount of memory in MiBs (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.Default: 1800 , Min: 256.0, Max: 8589934592
- Metric Period (metric_period) type: decimal: How often to sample metrics, in secondsDefault: 60Choices: 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, Min: 1, Max: 300
- Minimum Count for the Full-Length Sequence by Sample (min_count_sample) type: integer: Minimum count for the full-length sequence by the sample_name.Default: 1 , Min: 1, Max: 10000000000
- Minimum Number of Points to Consider a Cluster (min_pts) type: integer: This is the minimum number of points that will be considered a cluster.Default: 2
- Indicate whether the ABSCAN should utilize OPTICS (preferred) or DBSCAN (optics_or_dbscan) type: string: Default base algorithm to identify clusters in an unsupervised manner. Both methods use an automated
- application of the Elbow Estimation method, but OPTICS uses this as a max as opposed to preset value so more optimal for automation.
- Default: OPTICSChoices: OPTICS, DBSCAN
- Edit Distance for Overlay of NGS Barcode Groups (overlap_edit_distance_overlap) type: integer: If there are multiple downstream groups, these will be compared to one another.Default: 0 , Max: 100
- Region of Interest For Enrichment and Clustering (roi) type: string: Indicate the region of interest for processing, only top representative full-length sequence will be kept
- Default: HCDR3 and LCDR3Choices: Merged CDRs, CDR3 Chain_1 (Upstream Chain), CDR3 Chain_2 (Downstream Chain), HCDR3 and LCDR3, Full-Length
- Minimum Count for the Region of Interest (ROI) (roi_count) type: integer: This will set the minimum count for a given region of interest, all below will be removed.Default: 1 , Min: 1, Max: 10000000000
- Minimum Percent for the Region of Interest (ROI) (roi_percent) type: decimal: This will set the minimum percent for a given region of interest, all below will be removed.Default: 1e-12 , Min: 1e-12, Max: 100
- Spot policy (spot_policy) type: string: Control cube placement on spot market instancesDefault: ProhibitedChoices: Allowed, Preferred, NotPreferred, Prohibited, Required
- Tabulate Ratio to Top Most Abundant Clone in Sequence or By Selected ROI (tabulate_ratio_based_selected_roi) type: string: Select the cluster or sequence region to understand how frequent the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc., clone full-length frequency compares to top most abundant frequency in cluster or by given roiDefault: clusterChoices: cluster, cluster_cdr3_1, cluster_cdr3_2, hcdr3+lcdr3 cluster, cdr3_aa_1, cdr3_aa_2, hcdr3+lcdr3 sequence, merged CDRs, full-length
- Write the Downstream Output to CSV File (write_to_csv_file) type: boolean: Allows the option to write to CSV after the AbXtract Processing, NGS Only file at the cost of additional time. If not, can do this in separate step. Writes to empty file if turned off.Default: True
- Xi Minimum Steepness of Reachability Plot (xi) type: decimal: Float value between 0 and 1. Value sets the minimum steepness on the reachability plot to define cluster boundary. An upwards
- point in reachability is essentially the ratio from one point to successor being at most 1-xi.
- Default: 0.0 , Max: 1.0
Hardware Parameters¶
- Machine hardware requirements
- Memory (MiB) (memory_mb) type: decimal: The minimum amount of memory in MiBs (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.Default: 1800 , Min: 256.0, Max: 8589934592
- Temporary Disk Space (MiB) (disk_space) type: decimal: The minimum amount of disk space in MiB (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.Default: 5120.0 , Min: 128.0, Max: 8589934592
- GPUs (gpu_count) type: integer: The number of GPUs to run this cube withDefault: 0 , Max: 16
- CPUs (cpu_count) type: integer: The number of CPUs to run this cube withDefault: 1 , Min: 1, Max: 128
- Instance Type (instance_type) type: string: The type of instance that this cube needs to be run on
- Spot policy (spot_policy) type: string: Control cube placement on spot market instancesDefault: ProhibitedChoices: Allowed, Preferred, NotPreferred, Prohibited, Required
- Instance Tags (instance_tags) type: string: Only run on machines with matching tags (comma separated)Default: “”
Metrics Parameters¶
- Cube Metric Parameters
- Metric Period (None) type: decimal: How often to sample metrics, in secondsDefault: 60Choices: 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, Min: 1, Max: 300
- Cube Metrics (None) type: string: Set of metrics to be collectedChoices: cpu, disk, memory, network