Protonate DU and structures

Category Paths

Follow one of these paths in the Orion user interface, to find the floe.

  • Product-based/SPRUCE

  • Role-based/Computational Chemist

  • Solution-based/Virtual-screening/Target Preparation

  • Solution-based/Hit to Lead/Target Preparation/Structural Data Preparation

  • Task-based/Target Prep & Analysis/Protein Preparation


This floe uses OEProtonateDesignUnits (design unit input) or OEPlaceHydrogens (molecule input) to add hydrogen atoms to the systems and optimize the hydrogen bond network.

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

  • Output Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Dataset with modelled design unit.
    Default: add_hydrogensToDesignUnit

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

  • Failure Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Dataset with design unit that failed to be successfully modelled.
    Default: failed_add_hydrogensToDesignUnit

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

  • Input Design Unit (data_in) type: data_source: Dataset with design unit(s) to be modelled