Calculate Average Precision¶
Category Paths
Follow one of these paths in the Orion user interface, to find the floe.
Role-based/Medicinal Chemist
Calculates average precision for a dataset.
Promoted Parameters
Title in user interface (promoted name)
Input Dataset (in): The dataset(s) to read records from
Type: data_source
Floe Report Name (floe_report_name):
Type: string
Default: Average Precision Report
Output Dataset (data_out): Output dataset to write to
Type: dataset_out
Default: Failures
Average Precision
Integer Y True Field (int_y_true): Integer Y True Values. Must be only 0 or 1. Only used if Use Boolean is set to False
Type: field_parameter::int
Use Boolean For Y True (use_boolean): Set to True, if Y True values are in a Boolean field.
Type: boolean
Default: False
Choices: [True, False]
Boolean Y True Field (y_true): Boolean Y True Field. only used if Use Boolean is set to True
Type: field_parameter::bool
Y Score (y_score): Target scores, can either be probability estimates of the positive class, confidence values, or non-thresholded measure of decisions.
Type: field_parameter::float
Use Weights (use_weights):
Type: boolean
Default: False
Choices: [True, False]
Sample Weight (weight_field):
Type: field_parameter::float
Average Type (average_type):
Type: string
Default: macro
Choices: [‘micro’, ‘samples’, ‘weighted’, ‘macro’]