MMDS 01b. Update Proasis PDB Collection

Category Paths

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MMDS 01b. Update Proasis PDB Collection updates PDB codes from the Proasis collection

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

  • Recent number of days (recent_range) type: integer: How many days past to check for recent structures in Proasis
    Default: 7

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

  • Proasis Server Version (server_version) type: string: Proasis server version, e.g. vX.Y
    Default: v1.4

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

  • Output Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Output dataset to write to
    Default: retrieve_failures

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

  • Collection Name (coll_name) type: string: Name of a new or existing collection for biomolecular source data.For existing collections, an ID can also be used. When supplying a name of an existing collection the latest with that name is updated (if multiple exist).
    Default: Proasis PDB Collection

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)

  • Proasis Server Version (server_version) type: string: Proasis server version, e.g. vX.Y
    Default: v1.4