MMDS 03. Structure Prep

Category Paths

Follow one of these paths in the Orion user interface, to find the floe.

  • Product-based/SPRUCE

  • Product-based/MMDS

  • Role-based/MMDS Staff User/MMDS Data Prep

  • Solution-based/Virtual-screening/Target Preparation

  • Solution-based/Hit to Lead/Target Preparation

  • Solution-based/Hit to Lead/Target Preparation/Structural Data Preparation

  • Task-based/Target Prep & Analysis/Protein Preparation


MMDS 03. Structure Prep takes a Target dataset and for every protein structure generates a shard with Spruce-prepared design unit(s) based on the target(s) the structure shares similarity.

Promoted Parameters

Title in user interface (promoted name)

Loop Builder Parameters

Build missing loops (Build Missing Loops): Option to build missing loops (if information is available to do so)

  • Required

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: True

  • Choices: [True, False]

Build missing tails (Build Missing Tails): Option to build missing tails (if information is available to do so)

  • Required

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: True

  • Choices: [True, False]