Data Preparation¶
- AF codes to Records
- Check for collection dupes
- Convert Structure Records to shards
- Create Structure Collection
- Define Target Reference Structure
- Fetch all current AlphaFold codes.
- Fetch all current PDB codes
- Fetch all current PDB codes in Proasis
- Fetch all current UNIPROT codes and parse for MMDS data.
- Fetch all recent PDB codes in Proasis
- Filter AF and PDB Codes
- Find UKBID Alternates
- Generate GtoP Target Data
- Generate Proasis Family Tree Target Data
- Generate Uncategorized Target Data
- PDB codes to Records
- Parse UNIPROT-Target records.
- Remove structure code
- Structure IDs to Records
- Target Structure Mapping
- Target Structure Splitter
- Update Existing Target Data