This is a preliminary API and may be improved based on user feedback. It is currently available in C++ and Python.
class OEFragmentOptions : public OESystem::OEOptions
This class provides an interface to setup basic options related to bioisosteric fragment overlap scoring.
- The OEFragmentOptions class defines the following public methods:
OEFragmentOptions(const OEFragmentOptions &)
Default and copy constructors.
bool SetMaxChiral(const unsigned)
Sets the maximum allowable number of chiral centers (both atom and bond centers) in the generated fragments. Default: 3.
bool SetMaxDegree(const unsigned)
Sets the maximum allowable number of attachment points in the generated fragments. Default: 3.
bool SetMaxHeavy(const unsigned)
Sets the maximum allowable number of heavy atoms in the generated fragments. Default: 15.
bool SetMaxMolWt(const double)
Sets the maximum allowable molecular weight in the generated fragments. Default: 350.
bool SetMinDegree(const unsigned)
Sets the minimum required number of attachment points in the generated fragments. Default: 1.
bool SetMinHeavy(const unsigned)
Sets the minimum required number of heavy atoms in the generated fragments. Default: 1.
bool SetSingleSourceMol(const bool) const
Sets flag if only a single source molecule is to be stored per fragment. The alternative is to store upto 5 source molecule information. Default: false
bool SetSmarts(const std::string&) const
Sets the SMARTS definition for bonds to break. Built-in methods are recap, rlf, both (both rlf and recap), and all. User-defined set of rules can also be used by passing in a file with the desired SMARTS patterns. Default: all