Storage and Retrieval¶
The OEFingerPrint does not store any reference to
the molecule from which it was generated.
The user has to keep track of which fingerprint corresponds to which
One way to do this is to attach the fingerprint, as generic data, to
the molecule.
Listing 3
shows how store and retrieve fingerprints
as generic data.
Listing 3: Storing and retrieving fingerprint as generic data
int main( )
const char* tag = "FP_DATA";
OEGraphMol mol;
OESmilesToMol(mol, "c1ccccc1");
OEFingerPrint fp;
OEMakeLingoFP(fp, mol);
mol.SetData<OEFingerPrint>(tag, fp);
if (mol.HasData(tag))
const OEFingerPrint f = mol.GetData<OEFingerPrint>(tag);
if ( f )
const std::string fptype = f.GetFPTypeBase()->GetFPTypeString();
std::cout << fptype << " fingerprint with `" << tag
<< "` identifier" << std::endl;
return 0;
It is good practice to check the validity of the fingerprint after
retrieving it.
The OEFingerPrint::operator bool
method returns true if the fingerprint was successfully initialized.
Listing 4
demonstrates how to create an
binary file that stores molecules along with their fingerprints.
When reading the OEB
file that was generated by this program, the
pre-calculated fingerprints can be accessed rapidly with the PATH_FP
This eliminates the on-the-fly generation of the fingerprints.
See also
Additional examples in Listing 10
Listing 12
of the Fingerprint Database
Listing 4: Fingerprint generation and storage in OEB
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 3)
OEThrow.Usage("%s <infile> <outfile>", argv[0]);
oemolistream ifs;
if (![1]))
OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for reading", argv[1]);
oemolostream ofs;
if (![2]))
OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for writing", argv[2]);
if (ofs.GetFormat() != OEFormat::OEB)
OEThrow.Fatal("%s output file has to be an OEBinary file", argv[2]);
OEFingerPrint fp;
OEGraphMol mol;
while (OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol))
OEMakeFP(fp, mol, OEFPType::Path);
mol.SetData<OEFingerPrint>("PATH_FP", fp);
OEWriteMolecule(ofs, mol);
return 0;
The following code snippets shows how to generate a bitstring from an OEFingerPrint object.
Listing 5: Accessing a fingerprint as a bitstring
std::string GetBitString(const OEFingerPrint& fp)
std::string bitstring;
for(auto b = 0u; b < fp.GetSize(); ++b)
if (fp.IsBitOn(b))
bitstring[b] = '1';
return bitstring;
See also
OEBitVector class
Even though the GraphSim TK library provides a fingerprint API for the LINGO similarity search method, it is not implemented as a real fingerprint, so bitstrings that are generated from LINGO fingerprints are meaningless.
Fingerprints can also be stored in SDF
The Listing 6
demonstrates how to create an
and store fingerprints as hexadecimal strings.
After the fingerprint is generated, it is attached to the molecule
as an SD data tag. The identifier of the fingerprint in the SDF
file will be the string representation of the fingerprint type.
The bitvector of the fingerprint is converted to a hexadecimal
string with the OEBitVector::ToHexString
Listing 6: Storing fingerprint in SDF
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 3)
OEThrow.Usage("%s <infile> <outfile>", argv[0]);
oemolistream ifs;
if (![1]))
OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for reading", argv[1]);
oemolostream ofs;
if (![2]))
OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for writing", argv[2]);
if (ofs.GetFormat() != OEFormat::SDF)
OEThrow.Fatal("%s output file has to be an SDF file", argv[2]);
OEFingerPrint fp;
OEGraphMol mol;
while (OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol))
OEMakeFP(fp, mol, OEFPType::Circular);
const std::string fptypestr = fp.GetFPTypeBase()->GetFPTypeString();
std::string fphexdata;
OESetSDData(mol, fptypestr, fphexdata);
OEWriteMolecule(ofs, mol);
return 0;
The following example (Listing 7
) shows how to
retrieve fingerprints from an SDF
When looping over the SD data the OEIsValidFPTypeString
functions can be used to identify SD data that stores
a fingerprint.
The tag of the data is the string representation of the fingerprint type.
This string representation can be used to generate the
corresponding OEFPTypeBase object by using
the OEGetFPType
The type of the OEFingerPrint object then has to
be set by the OEFingerPrint::SetFPTypeBase
Finally, the bitvector of the fingerprint then can be initialized from the
hexadecimal string by using the
Listing 7: Retrieving fingerprint from SDF
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 2)
OEThrow.Usage("%s <infile>", argv[0]);
oemolistream ifs;
if (![1]))
OEThrow.Fatal("Unable to open %s for reading", argv[1]);
if (ifs.GetFormat() != OEFormat::SDF)
OEThrow.Fatal("%s input file has to be an SDF file", argv[1]);
auto molcounter = 0u;
auto fpcounter = 0u;
OEGraphMol mol;
while (OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol))
molcounter += 1u;
for (OEIter<const OESDDataPair> datapair = OEGetSDDataPairs(mol); datapair; ++datapair)
if (OEIsValidFPTypeString(datapair->GetTag()))
fpcounter += 1u;
const std::string fptypestr = datapair->GetTag();
const std::string fphexdata = datapair->GetValue();
OEFingerPrint fp;
const OEFPTypeBase* fptype = OEGetFPType(fptypestr);
std::cout << "Number of molecules = " << molcounter << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of fingerprints = " << fpcounter << std::endl;
return 0;
See also
OEBitVector class
SD Tagged Data Manipulation chapter in the OEChem TK manual