Create Custom Torsion Rules

This Cube generates custom torsion rules which can be used with the Psi4 Conformer Generation Cube based on torsion scans of fragments around each molecule’s rotatable bonds

Main Parameters

Parameter Name

Associated Port

Port Type

Conformer Angle Field

atom tag

Conformer Energy Field

Calculation Parameters

  • atom tag (string) : Tag for the atoms in torsion
  • CPUs (integer) : The number of CPUs to run this cube with
    Default: 1 Min: 1 Max: 128
  • Cube Metrics (string) : Set of metrics to be collected

    Choices: cpu, disk, memory, network
  • Temporary Disk Space (MiB) (decimal) : The minimum amount of disk space in MiB (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.
    Default: 5120.0 Min: 128.0 Max: 8589934592
  • GPUs (integer) : The number of GPUs to run this cube with
    Default: 0 Max: 16
  • Instance Tags (string) : Only run on machines with matching tags (comma separated)
    Default: “”
  • Instance Type (string) : The type of instance that this cube needs to be run on
  • Angle Step Size (decimal) : Chose the maximum step size for sampling around local minima.
    Default: 30 Min: 0.1 Max: 180
  • How many points to sample around minima (integer) : Chose the number of points to sample aboveand below local minima. Recommended values are 1-3
    Default: 180 Min: 1 Max: 180
  • Energy Cutoff (decimal) : Energy cutoff for choosing angles in custom torsion rules. Default value of 5kcal is chosen based on the assumption that these rules will later be used to generate conformers in a 10kcal/mol energy window. If you plan to generate a QM conformer ensemble in a larger energy window you may want to increase this cut off accordingly.
    Default: 5 Min: 0.1
  • Memory (MiB) (decimal) : The minimum amount of memory in MiBs (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.
    Default: 1800 Min: 256.0 Max: 8589934592
  • Metric Period (decimal) : How often to sample metrics, in seconds
    Default: 60 Min: 1 Max: 300
  • Spot policy (string) : Control cube placement on spot market instances
    Default: Prohibited
    Choices: Allowed, Preferred, NotPreferred, Prohibited, Required

Field parameters

  • Conformer Angle Field (Field Type: Float) :
    Default: Torsion angle
  • Conformer Energy Field (Field Type: Float) :
    Default: Psi4 Energy (kcal/mol)
  • Extended Log Field (Field Type: StringVec) : Message extended log field
    Default: Extended Log Field
  • Input Molecule Field (Field Type: Chem.Mol) : Primary Molecule Field to use as input to the Cube
  • Log Field (Field Type: String) : Message log field
    Default: Log Field
  • Output Molecule Field (Field Type: Chem.Mol) : Primary Molecule Field to use as output to the Cube
  • Fragment Parent Molecule Field (Field Type: Chem.Mol) : Field for storing parent molecule with torsion atoms tagged.
    Default: Fragment Parent Molecule
  • Conformer Strain Energy Field (Field Type: Float) :
    Default: Psi4 Strain Energy (kcal/mol)
  • Conformer Angle After Optimization (Field Type: Float) :
    Default: Updated Torsion Angle

Hardware Parameters

Machine hardware requirements

  • Memory (MiB) (decimal) : The minimum amount of memory in MiBs (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.
    Default: 1800 Min: 256.0 Max: 8589934592
  • Temporary Disk Space (MiB) (decimal) : The minimum amount of disk space in MiB (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.
    Default: 5120.0 Min: 128.0 Max: 8589934592
  • GPUs (integer) : The number of GPUs to run this cube with
    Default: 0 Max: 16
  • CPUs (integer) : The number of CPUs to run this cube with
    Default: 1 Min: 1 Max: 128
  • Instance Type (string) : The type of instance that this cube needs to be run on
  • Spot policy (string) : Control cube placement on spot market instances
    Default: Prohibited
    Choices: Allowed, Preferred, NotPreferred, Prohibited, Required
  • Instance Tags (string) : Only run on machines with matching tags (comma separated)
    Default: “”

Metrics Parameters

Cube Metric Parameters

  • Metric Period (decimal) : How often to sample metrics, in seconds
    Default: 60 Min: 1 Max: 300
  • Cube Metrics (string) : Set of metrics to be collected

    Choices: cpu, disk, memory, network


filename: psi4-orion/psi4_orion/