class OEInteractionHintTypeBase
The OEInteractionHintTypeBase is an abstract class that enables to type interactions (OEInteractionHint) stored in a OEInteractionHintContainer object.
- The following classes derive from this class:
OEInteractionHintTypeBase(const std::string &name)
Creates an interaction type with the given name (identifier).
- name
A unique string representing a specific interaction type.
OEInteractionHintTypeBase(const OEInteractionHintTypeBase &rhs)
Copy constructor.
OEInteractionHintTypeBase &operator=(const OEInteractionHintTypeBase &rhs)
Assignment operator.
bool operator!=(const OEInteractionHintTypeBase &) const
Determines whether two interaction types, derived from the OEInteractionHintTypeBase class, are different.
bool operator==(const OEInteractionHintTypeBase &) const
Determines whether two interaction types, derived from the OEInteractionHintTypeBase class, are identical.
OEInteractionHintTypeBase *CreateCopy() const =0
Virtual const constructor which allows copying of concrete derived objects using a reference to this base class.
bool IsValid(const OEInteractionHint &) const
Returns whether the given interaction is considered valid for the given interaction type.
bool IsValid(const OEInteractionHintFragment *,
const OEInteractionHintFragment *) const =0
This is a virtual method that has to be implemented in the concrete derived classes to evaluate whether the two given fragments form a valid interaction for the given concrete interaction type.