Enumerate Pockets on Design units

This floe uses OEPocket to detect pockets on a protein surface and enumerate them into OEDesignUnits with the binding sites focused on these discovered pockets

Extra Required Parameters

  • Dataset with DesignUnit to be modelled (data_source) : The dataset(s) to read records from
  • Components to be part of the molecule (string) : Components to make part of the molecule.If set to ‘undefined’, will not be included in output
    Default: [‘protein’]
    Choices: protein, nucleic, ligand, solvent, metals, counter_ions, lipids, packing_residues, sugars, undefined, cofactors, excipients, polymers, post_translational, other_proteins, other_nucleics, other_ligands, other_cofactors
  • Discard liganded design units (boolean) : Option to discard liganded design units.
    Default: True
  • Generate surface (boolean) : Option to generate surface for pockets.
    Default: True
  • Local burial factor (decimal) : Option to set local burial factor.
    Default: 1.4
  • Log Field (Field Type: String) : The field to store messages to floe report
    Default: Log Field
  • Max surface area (decimal) : Option to set maximum surface area for pocket finding.
    Default: 3000.0
  • Min surface area (decimal) : Option to set minimum surface area for pocket finding.
    Default: 150.0
  • Output Dataset (dataset_out) : Dataset with Modelled DesignUnit.
    Default: EnumeratePocketsOnDesignUnit
  • Failure Dataset (dataset_out) : Dataset with DesignUnit that failed to be successfully modelled.
    Default: failed_EnumeratePocketsOnDesignUnit