Pytest Options

Artemis is a plugin for testing floes using Pytest, and it includes several options for controlling what occurs during the testing period.


Flags that control how exactly the floes are run.


The --orion flag indicates that the tests should be run against the orion client credentials as specified by the environment variable ORION_PROFILE unless not specified at which point it will use the default profile


The --run-all flag will run all tests, including ones that are marked with on_demand


The --no-validation flag skips validating any of the packages locally.

Resource Management


The --no-cleanup flag indicates that Artemis will clean up none of the resources that were created in the tests. Note that this will cancel any floes that were triggered but haven’t completed.


The --no-package-cleanup flag indicates that the Floe packages that were uploaded won’t be removed. This is useful when repeatedly running the tests, without modifying the package. The packages are hashed, so if they change they will not be reused.


The --no-floe-cleanup flag indicates that Floes will be canceled, but not deprecated.


The --no-sort flag indicates that tests will not be sorted when run. Normally, tests that require packages will run after those that do not. This disables that behavior.


The --rebuild-packages flag indicates that the Floe packages that were uploaded will be deleted and re-uploaded. This is useful when repeatedly running the tests.


The --use-released-packages flag indicates that uploaded packages will be used. Normally, packages are hashed, so if they change they will not be reused. This disables package version hashing.


The --wait-for-packages flag indicates that tests should not run until packages are uploaded. Artemis will wait up to 30 minutes for packages to upload before running the tests.