FastROCS TK 1.8.2¶
New features¶
Alternative starting points in FastROCS TK have been extended to now include
presumes that the query and the database molecules are already correctly aligned in space (perhaps through docking), so a single optimization per query-database molecule pair is carried out.OEFastROCSOrientation::InertialAtColorAtoms
translates each database molecule to each color atom of the query molecule and optimizes for 4 inertial poses at each translation. This method can be used with both shape-only searches and combo searches. The only requirement is that the query molecule must have color atoms; otherwise, the search will throw a warning and default to inertial starts.
for more information.The following new getter methods have been added to OEShapeDatabaseOptions for retrieving the number of starts for the relevant method:
has also been overloaded for each alternative start option.A new argument has been added to
to ensure that conformers are correctly handled when usingOEFastROCSOrientation::AsIs
.When using the new
feature, the shape database must be opened with the additional argument set toOEFastROCSOrientation::AsIs
.There is no need to alter existing scripts if the
alternative starts feature is not being used since the default argument results in the correct execution path for all other use cases.See
for more information.A new argument has been added to
to correctly transform conformers to their resultant position when usingOEFastROCSOrientation::AsIs
.Generally, the constructor is not used in most scripts as the OEShapeDatabaseScore object is constructed internally when calling
. Therefore, most users will not be affected by this change.If the OEShapeDatabaseScore constructor is used and
is set, the constructor can be modified with the additional argument set toOEFastROCSOrientation::AsIs
.The default value for the additional argument satisfies all other use cases, so no action is required.
for more information.
Major bug fixes¶
Previously, GPU memory limits were being reached for routine searches when using
, causing searches to default toOEFastROCSOrientation::Inertial
. The improved alternative starts algorithm handles any number of starts without reaching GPU memory limits.Warning
Performance will be affected by using large numbers of alternative starts.
now sets the number of overlay results to return per conformer. Previously, this was broken and was restricting the number of overlays to 1 per conformer regardless of its setting.OEShapeDatabaseOptions::SetMaxOverlays
is now fixed and works correctly withOEShapeDatabaseOptions::SetMaxConfs
and alternative starts for bothOEShapeDatabase::GetScores
.Tversky calculations no longer overestimate the score of caged systems or conformer pairs where one conformer is much larger than the other.
Minor bug fixes¶
A warning is now thrown if
is set withOEShapeDatabaseOptions::SetInitialOrientation
or ifOEShapeDatabase::GetSortedScores
is called beforeOEShapeDatabaseOptions::SetUserStarts
Documentation changes¶
A tutorials page has been created that walks through features of FastROCS TK and gives detailed examples. The first tutorial gives step-by-step instructions on how to use alternative starts.
If you have a specific feature that you would like in a tutorial, please contact support at with the subject header FastROCS TK Tutorial Request.