class OEHierChain
This class represents OEHierChain.
This class represents a snapshot of one of the chains inside the molecule used to construct the OEHierView object which owns the OEHierChain object. It can be used to give a temporary hierarchical view to the underlying molecular data structure.
OEHierChain(OEHierChainImpl *i)
OEHierChain(const OEHierChain &)
Default and copy constructors.
OEChem::OEAtomBase *GetAtom(const char *resName, int resIdx,
unsigned pdbAtomIdx)
const OEChem::OEAtomBase *GetAtom(const char *resName, int resIdx,
unsigned pdbAtomIdx) const
Returns an atom specified by the residue name, residue number and atom name.
char GetChainID() const
Returns the single character representation of the chain ID for this chain of the molecule. This corresponds to the chain ID found in the PDB file.
OESystem::OEIterBase<OEHierFragment> *GetFragments()
OESystem::OEIterBase<const OEHierFragment> *GetFragments() const
Returns an iterator over all of the fragments in the chain.
const OEChem::OEResidue &GetOEResidue() const
This returns an arbitrary OEResidue object associated with this chain.
OEHierResidue &GetResidue(const char *resName, int resIdx)
const OEHierResidue &GetResidue(const char *resName, int resIdx) const
Gives direct access to a residue using the typical information
that a user might know about a residue of interest (e.g. -
). The chain specifier is not included because the chain
is implied by the current object.