class OEHierFragment
This class represents OEHierFragment.
The hierarchical view has an OEHierFragment object in the hierarchy between OEHierChain and OEHierResidue. This gives a hierarchical view of a temporary snapshot of the data structure in the molecule used to construct the OEHierView which owns the fragment objects.
OEHierFragment(OEHierFragImpl *i)
OEHierFragment(const OEHierFragment &)
Default and copy constructors.
OEChem::OEAtomBase *GetAtom(const char *resName, int resIdx,
unsigned pdbAtomIdx)
const OEChem::OEAtomBase *GetAtom(const char *resName, int resIdx,
unsigned pdbAtomIdx) const
int GetFragmentNumber() const
Returns the integer representation of the fragment number for this fragment of the chain. While reading a PDB file, fragment numbers are incremented every time a TER record is encountered or a new ChainID is encountered.
const OEChem::OEResidue &GetOEResidue() const
Returns an arbitrary OEResidue object associated with this fragment.
OEHierResidue &GetResidue(const char *resName, int resIdx)
const OEHierResidue &GetResidue(const char *resName, int resIdx) const
Gives direct access to a residue using the typical information
that a user might know about a residue of interest (e.g. -
). The chain specifier is not included because the chain
is implied by the current object.
OESystem::OEIterBase<OEHierResidue> *GetResidues()
OESystem::OEIterBase<const OEHierResidue> *GetResidues() const
Returns an iterator over all of the residues in the fragment.