
class OEOptions

The OEOptions is an abstract base class. The Options represent a collection of OEParameter class that defines the set of parameters associated with settings of various objects or calculations.

See also

Code Examples

The OEOptions class defines the following public methods:


bool AddDetail(const std::string &detail)

Adds a line to the detailed description of the options.


OEOptions* AddOption(const OEOption&)

Adds a copy of the specified options as sub-options to this options.


OEParameter* AddParameter(const OEParameter&)

Adds a copy of the specified parameter to the options.


bool AddParameterPrefix(const std::string& suffix)

Add the specified prefix to the name of all the parameters.


bool AddParameterSuffix(const std::string& suffix)

Add the specified suffix to the name of all the parameters.


void Clear()

Removes all parameters and sub-options.


bool DeleteOptions(OEOptions&)

Deletes the specified sub-options, if it belongs to this options.


bool DeleteParameter(OEParameter& param)

Deletes the specified parameter, if it belongs to this options.


OEIterBase<OEParameter>* FindDupParameters(const bool visibleOnly = true)
OEIterBase<const OEParameter>* FindDupParameters(const bool visibleOnly = true) const

Returns duplicate parameters. Two parameters are considered duplicates if they have a common name. If visibleOnly is set to True, parameters with visibility OEParamVisibility::Hidden are ignored from this list. This operation is always recursive to the associated sub-options.


std::string GetBrief() const

See SetBrief method.


OEIterBase<const std::string> *GetDetail() const

See AddDetail method.


std::string GetName() const

See SetName method.


OEOptions* GetOption(const std::string& name)
const OEOptions* GetOption(const std::string& name) const

Get the sub-options with the specified name. Returns a NULL pointer if a sub-options with specified name does not exist.


OEIterBase<const OEOptions>* GetOptions(const bool recursive = true) const
OEIterBase<OEOptions>* GetOptions(const bool recursive = true)

Get the sub-options of this options. A value of true for recursive compiles all the sub-options from the subsequent sub-options.


int GetOrderPriority() const

See SetOrderPriority method.


OEParameter* GetParameter(const std::string& name)
const OEParameter* GetParameter(const std::string& name) const

Get the parameter with the specified name. Returns a NULL pointer if a parameter with specified name does not exist.


OEIterBase<const OEParameter>* GetParameters(const bool recursive = true) const
OEIterBase<OEParameter>* GetParameters(const bool recursive = true)
OEIterBase<const OEParameter>* GetParameters(const std::string& name, const bool recursive = true) const
OEIterBase<OEParameter>* GetParameters(const std::string& name, const bool recursive = true)

Get the parameters from this options. If a name is specified only parameters with the specified name are provided. A value of true for recursive compiles all the parameters from the subsequent sub-options.


bool HasDupParameters(const bool visibleOnly = true) const

Check if a there are duplicate parameters in this options. Two parameters are considered duplicates if they have a common name. If visibleOnly is set to True, parameters with visibility OEParamVisibility::Hidden are ignored from this check. This operation is always recursive to the associated sub-options.


bool HasOption(const std::string& name) const

Check if a sub-options with the specified name exists in the options.


bool HasParameter(const std::string& name) const

Check if a parameter with the specified name (or alias) exists in the options.


bool SetBrief(std::string brief)

Sets the brief description of the Options.


bool SetName(std::string name)

Sets the name of the Options.


bool SetOrderPriority(int order)

Sets the order priority of the Options, which is used to control the order Options appear in help lists. Default: 0


bool SetParameterVisibility(const unsigned visibility)
bool SetParameterVisibility(const std::string& name, const unsigned visibility)

Sets the visibility of the parameters to the specified value. This operation is always recursive to the associated sub-options. Valid settings are defined in the OEParamVisibility namespace.


bool UpdateValues(const OEOptions& opts)

Update parameters values of this options, from the parameter values of the soecified options. Two parameters are considered same if they have a common name and data type. This operation is always recursive to the associated sub-options.