
class OEStopwatch

This class represents OEStopwatch.

The OEStopwatch class provides a portable mechanism for measuring elapsed CPU time of a process.



Default constructor.


float Elapsed()

Returns the number of elapsed CPU seconds (as a floating point value) since OEStopwatch::Start was last called. This method is identical to OEStopwatch::Lap. This method does not update the internal ‘start’ time.


float Lap()

Returns the number of elapsed CPU seconds (as a floating point value) since OEStopwatch::Start was last called. This method is identical to OEStopwatch::Elapsed. This method does not update the internal ‘start’ time.


void Start()

Sets the internal ‘start’ time of the OEStopwatch to the current time. This method should be called before calling either OEStopwatch::Elapsed or OEStopwatch::Lap. This method may be called more than once to reinitialize the ‘start’ time to the current time.