class OEImageBase
The OEImageBase is an abstract class that provides methods for drawing basic geometric shapes such as lines, circles, rectangles etc.
The following classes derive from this class:
OEImageBase(double width=200.0, double height=200.0)
Default constructor that creates an image with the specified width and height.
- width, height
The dimensions of the image, both have to be positive (non-zero) numbers.
void Clear(const OESystem::OEColor &color=OESystem::OEWhite)
Clears the image with the given color.
See also
OEColor class
void DrawArc(const OE2DPoint ¢er, double bgnAngle, double endAngle,
double radius, const OEPen &pen)
Draws the outline of an arc. See example in Figure: Example of arc.

Example of arc¶
- center
The center of the arc.
- bgnAngle, endAngle
The two endpoints of the arc (in degrees). Both angles are in degrees and their values have to be in a range of \([0.0^{\circ}, 360.0^{\circ}]\). Angles are interpreted such that \(0.0^{\circ}\) and \(360.0^{\circ}\) degrees are at the 12 o’clock position, \(90.0^{\circ}\) degrees corresponds to 3 o’clock, etc.
- radius
The radius of the arc.
- pen
The graphical properties of the curve (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of drawing arcs with various pens.

Example of drawing arcs with various pens¶
supports all the
OEPen properties (i.e. color, line width, line
stipple) except the fill property.
See also OEImageBase.DrawPie
Arcs are always drawn in a clockwise direction. This means that bgn = \(0.0^{\circ}\), end = \(90.0^{\circ}\) angle pair is not the same as bgn = \(90.0^{\circ}\), end = \(0.0^{\circ}\) angle pair. See examples in Table: Example of interpreting the begin and end angles of the arc.
bgn = \(0.0^{\circ}\) end = \(90.0^{\circ}\) |
bgn = \(90.0^{\circ}\) end = \(0.0^{\circ}\) |
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void DrawCircle(const OE2DPoint ¢er, double radius, const OEPen &pen)
Draws a circle. See example in Figure: Example of circle.

Example of circle¶
- center
The center of the circle.
- radius
The radius of the circle.
- pen
The graphical properties of the circle (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of drawing circles with various pens.

Example of drawing circles with various pens¶
void DrawCubicBezier(const OE2DPoint &bgn, const OE2DPoint &c1,
const OE2DPoint &c2, const OE2DPoint &end, const OEPen &pen)
Draws a cubic Bézier curve. See example in Figure: Example of cubic Bezier curve.

Example of cubic Bezier curve¶
- bgn, end
The end points of the Bezier curve.
- c1, c2
The control points of the curve.
- pen
The graphical properties of the Bézier curve (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of drawing cubic Bezier curves with various pens.

Example of drawing cubic Bezier curves with various pens¶
Example (Figure: Example of drawing a cubic Bezier curve)
OEImage image = new OEImage(100, 100);
OE2DPoint b = new OE2DPoint(20, 70);
OE2DPoint e = new OE2DPoint(60, 70);
OE2DPoint c1 = new OE2DPoint(b.GetX() + 50, b.GetY() - 60);
OE2DPoint c2 = new OE2DPoint(e.GetX() + 50, e.GetY() - 60);
OEPen pen = new OEPen(oechem.getOELightGreen(), oechem.getOEBlack(), OEFill.On, 2.0);
image.DrawCubicBezier(b, c1, c2, e, pen);

Example of drawing a cubic Bezier curve¶
void DrawLine(const OE2DPoint &bgn, const OE2DPoint &end, const OEPen &pen)
Draws a line. See example in Figure: Example of line.

Example of line¶
- bgn, end
The two endpoints of the line.
- pen
The graphical properties of the line (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of drawing lines with various pens.

Example of drawing lines with various pens¶
void DrawPath(const OE2DPath& path, const OEPen& pen);
Draws as path. See example in Figure: Example of path.

Example of path¶
- path
The OE2DPath object that defines a path as a sequence of lines and curves.
- pen
The graphical properties of the pie (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of drawing paths with various pens.

Example of drawing paths with various pens¶
Example (Figure: Example of drawing a path)
OEImage image = new OEImage(100, 100);
OE2DPath path = new OE2DPath(new OE2DPoint(20, 80));
path.AddLineSegment(new OE2DPoint(80, 80));
path.AddLineSegment(new OE2DPoint(80, 40));
path.AddCurveSegment(new OE2DPoint(80, 10), new OE2DPoint(20, 10), new OE2DPoint(20, 40));
OEPen pen = new OEPen(oechem.getOELightGreen(), oechem.getOEBlack(), OEFill.On, 2.0);
image.DrawPath(path, pen);

Example of drawing a path¶
void DrawPie(const OE2DPoint ¢er, double bgnAngle, double endAngle,
double radius, const OEPen &pen)
Draws a pie. See example in Figure: Example of drawing a pie.
- center
The center of the pie.
- bgnAngle, endAngle
The two endpoints of the pie (in degrees). Both angles are in degrees and their values have to be in a range of \([0.0^{\circ}, 360.0^{\circ}]\). Angles are interpreted such that \(0.0^{\circ}\) and \(360.0^{\circ}\) degrees are at the 12 o’clock position, \(90.0^{\circ}\) degrees corresponds to 3 o’clock, etc.
- radius
The radius of the pie.
- pen
The graphical properties of the pie (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of drawing pies with various pens.

Example of drawing pies with various pens¶
Pies are always drawn in a clockwise direction. This means that bgn = \(0.0^{\circ}\), end = \(90.0^{\circ}\) angle pair is not the same as bgn = \(90.0^{\circ}\), end = \(0.0^{\circ}\) angle pair. See examples in Table: Example of interpreting the begin and end angles of the pie.
bgn = \(0.0^{\circ}\) end = \(90.0^{\circ}\) |
bgn = \(90.0^{\circ}\) end = \(0.0^{\circ}\) |
![]() |
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void DrawPoint(const OE2DPoint &p, const OESystem::OEColor &color) = 0
Draws a point. See example in Figure: Example of point.

Example of point¶
- p
The position of the point, where p = OE2DPoint(x, y).
- color
The color of the point.
See also
OEColor class
void DrawPolygon(const std::vector<OE2DPoint> &points, const OEPen &pen)
Draws a closed polygon. See example in Figure: Example of polygon.

Example of polygon¶
- points
The series of points that defines the polygon. The polygon will be closed i.e. the first connected with the last point.
- pen
The graphical properties of the polygon (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of polygons lines with various pens.

Example of drawing polygons with various pens¶
Example (Figure: Example of drawing a polygon)
OEImage image = new OEImage(100, 100);
OE2DPointVector polygon = new OE2DPointVector();
polygon.add(new OE2DPoint(20, 20));
polygon.add(new OE2DPoint(40, 40));
polygon.add(new OE2DPoint(60, 20));
polygon.add(new OE2DPoint(80, 40));
polygon.add(new OE2DPoint(80, 80));
polygon.add(new OE2DPoint(20, 80));
OEPen pen = new OEPen(oechem.getOELightGreen(), oechem.getOEBlack(), OEFill.On, 2.0);
image.DrawPolygon(polygon, pen);

Example of drawing a polygon¶
void DrawQuadraticBezier(const OE2DPoint &bgn, const OE2DPoint &c,
const OE2DPoint &end, const OEPen &pen)
Draws a quadratic Bézier curve. See example in Figure: Example of quadratic Bezier curve.

Example of quadratic Bezier curve¶
- bgn, end
The end points of the Bézier curve.
- c
The control point of the curve.
- pen
The graphical properties of the Bézier curve (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of drawing quadratic Bezier curves with various pens.

Example of drawing quadratic Bezier curves with various pens¶
Example (Figure: Example of drawing a polygon)
OEImage image = new OEImage(100, 100);
OE2DPoint b = new OE2DPoint(20, 70);
OE2DPoint e = new OE2DPoint(80, 70);
OE2DPoint c = new OE2DPoint(b.GetX() + 30, b.GetY() - 80);
OEPen pen = new OEPen(oechem.getOELightGreen(), oechem.getOEBlack(), OEFill.On, 2.0);
image.DrawQuadraticBezier(b, c, e, pen);

Example of drawing a quadratic Bezier¶
void DrawRectangle(const OE2DPoint &tl, const OE2DPoint &br, const OEPen &pen)
Draws a rectangle. See example in Figure: Example of rectangle.

Example of rectangle¶
- tl
The top left corner of the rectangle.
- br
The bottom right corner of the rectangle.
- pen
The graphical properties of the rectangle (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of polygons rectangles with various pens.

Example of drawing rectangles with various pens¶
void DrawText(const OE2DPoint ¢er, const std::string &text, const OEFont &font,
double maxwidth=0.0)
Draws a text. See example in Figure: Example of text.

Example of text¶
- center
The position of the text.
- text
The characters to be displayed.
- font
The graphical properties of the displayed text (such as color, font size, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of drawing texts with various fonts.
- maxwidth
If maxwidth is specified and the width of the text would exceed the given limit, than the size of the font used to display the text is automatically reduced.
The displayed position of the text not only depends on ‘c’ position but also the alignment style of the given OEFont.

Example of drawing texts with various fonts¶
See also
OE2DPoint class
namespaceOEFont class
void DrawTriangle(const OE2DPoint &a, const OE2DPoint &b, const OE2DPoint &c,
const OEPen &pen)
Draws a triangle. See example in Figure: Example of triangle.

Example of triangle¶
- a, b, c
The three corners of the triangle.
- pen
The graphical properties of the triangle (such as color, line width, etc). See examples in Figure: Example of polygons triangles with various pens.

Example of drawing triangles with various fonts¶
const OE2DPoint& GetGlobalOffset() const
Returns the offset from the origin (x=0.0, y=0.0) to the top-left corner of the given image.
unsigned int GetMinFontSize() const
Returns the minimum size of the font that can be displayed.
void SetMinFontSize(unsigned int fontsize)
Sets the minimum size of the font that can be displayed.
OESVGClass *GetSVGClass(const std::string &name)
const OESVGClass *GetSVGClass(const std::string &name) const
Returns the OESVGClass object with the given name. Null pointer will be returned if no class exists on the image with the given name.
See also
OESVGClass class
OESVGGroup *GetSVGGroup(const std::string &id)
const OESVGGroup *GetSVGGroup(const std::string &id) const
Returns the OESVGGroup object with the given name. Null pointer will be returned if no group exists on the image with the given name.
See also
OESVGGroup class
OESystem::OEIterBase<OESVGGroup>* GetSVGGroups()
Returns an iterator over the SVG groups (OESVGGroup) of the image.
for (OESVGGroup group : image.GetSVGGroups())
See also
OESVGGroup class
OESVGClass *NewSVGClass(const std::string &name)
Creates a new OESVGClass on the given image. A null pointer will be returned and warning message will be thrown if the SVG class can not be created.
- name
The name of the OESVGClass object. For information about valid group names see the documentation of the
See also
OESVGClass class
OESVGGroup *NewSVGGroup(const std::string &id)
Creates a new OESVGGroup on the given image. A null pointer will be returned and warning message will be thrown if the SVG group can not be created.
- name
The name of the OESVGGroup object. For information about valid group names see the documentation of the
See also
OESVGGroup class
bool PopGroup(const OESVGGroup *)
Pops the OESVGGroup object.
An OESVGGroup object can be used (pushed / popped) only once. OESVGGroup objects can be nested. They should be used in LIFO (for last in, first out) i.e. the group that has been pushed last should be popped first.
See also
OESVGGroup class
bool PushGroup(const OESVGGroup *)
Pushes the OESVGGroup object.
An OESVGGroup object can be used (pushed / popped) only once. OESVGGroup objects can be nested. They should be used in LIFO (for last in, first out) i.e. the group that has been pushed last should be popped first.
See also
OESVGGroup class