Fingerprint Overlap¶
The OEGetFPOverlap
function provides access to the
fragments of two molecules that are considered equivalent based on a specific
fingerprint type.
This means that the returned fragment-pairs set the same bit “on” when
fingerprints are generated.
The following example shows how to retrieve the common five bond-length
patterns of two molecules.
Listing 18: Example of accessing common patterns based on a fingerprint
int main( )
OEGraphMol pmol;
OESmilesToMol(pmol, "c1cnc2c(c1)CC(CC2O)CF");
OEGraphMol tmol;
OESmilesToMol(tmol, "c1cc2c(cc1)CC(CCl)CC2N");
const OEFPTypeBase* fptype = OEGetFPType("Tree,ver=2.0.0,size=4096,bonds=5-5,atype=AtmNum|HvyDeg|EqHalo,btype=Order");
auto idx = 0u;
for (OEIter<const OEMatchBase> match = OEGetFPOverlap(pmol, tmol, fptype); match; ++match)
printf("match %2d:", idx);
for (OEIter<const OEMatchPair<OEAtomBase> > mpair = match->GetAtoms(); mpair; ++mpair)
printf(" %d%s-%d%s", mpair->pattern->GetIdx(), OEGetAtomicSymbol(mpair->pattern->GetAtomicNum()),
mpair->target->GetIdx(), OEGetAtomicSymbol(mpair->target->GetAtomicNum()));
return 0;
The first three matches returned by the Listing 18
depicted in the next table.
The output of code is the following:
match 1: 3C-2C 9C-11C 4C-3C 8C-10C 7C-7C 11C-8C
match 2: 3C-2C 4C-3C 5C-4C 6C-6C 7C-7C 8C-8C
match 3: 3C-2C 4C-3C 5C-4C 6C-6C 7C-7C 8C-10C
match 4: 3C-2C 4C-3C 5C-4C 6C-6C 7C-7C 11C-8C
match 5: 3C-2C 4C-3C 5C-4C 6C-6C 7C-7C 11C-10C
match 6: 3C-2C 9C-11C 4C-3C 6C-6C 7C-7C 11C-8C
... truncated ...
Even though the OEGetFPOverlap
function returns
an iterator of OEMatchBase objects, they are not
matches in the traditional sense, i.e. the atom-pair and bond-pair
correspondences between the pattern and the target atoms and
bonds are not guaranteed. See example depicted below.
See also
functionFingerprint Coverage chapter
The OEGetFPOverlap
can be used to visualize molecule similarity based on
a given fingerprint type. See more details in: