This API is currently available in C++ and Python.
class OESmirnoffComplex : public OEComplexFF
The OESmirnoffComplex provides a predefined interface to use OESmirnoff for all interactions in a protein-ligand complex.
- The following methods are publicly inherited from OEFunc0:
- The following methods are publicly inherited from OEFunc1:
- The following methods are publicly inherited from OEMolFunc:
- The following methods are publicly inherited from OEComplexFF:
OESmirnoffComplex(const OEMolSmirnoff::OESmirnoffParams& params = OEMolSmirnoff::OESmirnoffParams(),
const OEMolPotential::OENonBondIntcsOptions& opts = OEMolPotential::OENonBondIntcsOptions())
OESmirnoffComplex(const OESmirnoffComplex&)
Default and copy constructors.