
class OEMakeFragLib : public OEBuilderBase

This class defines an interface for generating a fragment library. The builder allows building either a partial or a complete fragment library by controlling the content of the fraglib currently loaded in the builder.

Code Examples

The following methods are publicly inherited from OEBuilderBase:
The OEMakeFragLib class defines the following public methods:


OEMakeFragLib(const OEFragBuilderOptions&)
OEMakeFragLib(const OEMakeFragLib&)

Default and copy constructors. The default constructor instantiates the class with OEFragBuilderOptions with the OEFragBuilderMode::Strict mode.


OEMakeFragLib &operator=(const OEMakeFragLib&)

Assignment operator.


void AddFrag(const OEChem::OEMCMolBase&)

Adds the specified fragment to the currently loaded fragment library.

See also


void GenerateMissingFrags(OEChem::oemolistream& , OEChem::oemolostream&) const
void GenerateMissingFrags(const OEChem::OEMolBase&, OEChem::oemolostream&) const

Finds the missing fragments corresponding to the given input file stream or molecule, generates 3D structures of the fragments and adds those to the output file stream.


OESystem::OEIterBase<OEChem::OEMCMolBase>* GetMissingFrags(OEChem::oemolistream&) const
OESystem::OEIterBase<OEChem::OEMCMolBase>* GetMissingFrags(const OEChem::OEMolBase&) const

Finds the missing fragments corresponding to the given input file stream or molecule, and returns a collection of the fragments. This method does not generate 3D structures of the fragments.