void OEAddResidueHighlighting(OE2DActiveSiteDisplay &adisp,
const OEDepict::OEPen &pen,
const OEChem::OEResidue &residue)
Highlights the given residues in the active site display.
- adisp
The OE2DActiveSiteDisplay object of which residues being highlighted.
- pen
The OEPen object that specifies the style of the highlighting.
- residue
The residue being highlighted.
Example: (See image generated in Example of highlighting residues)
The OEGetLightColors
function in the below example returns
eight colors that is used to highlight only the first eight residues in the generated
def OEAddHighlighting_OEResidue(adisp):
for res, color in zip(adisp.GetDisplayedResidues(), oechem.OEGetLightColors()):
pen = oedepict.OEPen(color, color, oedepict.OEFill_On, 1.0)
oegrapheme.OEAddResidueHighlighting(adisp, pen, res)

Example of highlighting residues¶