
OESystem::OEIterBase<OEMolBase> *OEGetUniMolecularRxnIter(const OEMolBase &mol,
                                                          OEQMolBase &rxn,
                                                          bool strictSmirks=true,
                                                          unsigned maxMatches=10000,
                                                          bool validateKekule=true)

OESystem::OEIterBase<OEMolBase> *OEGetUniMolecularRxnIter(const OEMolBase &mol,
                                                          OEQMolBase &rxn,
                                                          const OEUniMolecularRxnOptions &options=OEUniMolecularRxnOptions())

The first function overload returns an iterator over unique products from each individual application of the transformation provided by a OEUniMolecularRxn instance initialized with the function arguments.

The second function overload returns an iterator over unique products from each individual application of the transformation provided by a OEUniMolecularRxn instance initialized with the provided OEUniMolecularRxnOptions class.