class OERange
The OERange class is used to represent numerical intervals that may be bounded or unbounded.
The default constructor initializes an empty (and invalid) range object.
OERange(rhs: OERange)
Copy constructor.
OERange(low: float, high: float, inclusivity: str="[]")
Constructs a range between low and high, with the provided inclusivity.
- low
The low value of the range. For an unbounded interval, -math.inf can be specified.
- high
The high value of the range. For an unbounded interval, math.inf can be specified.
- inclusivity
Represents the inclusivity of low and high in the range. Allowed values are
Range value
[low, high] or low <= x <= high
(low, high] or low < x <= high
[low, high) or low <= x < high
(low, high) or low < x < high
__eq__(rhs: OERange) -> bool
Returns True if the lower, upper, and inclusivity values are all equal between the two OERange values.
get_low() -> float
Returns the lower value of the range. This will return -math.inf if the range is unbounded at the low end.
get_high() -> float
Returns the upper value of the range. This will return math.inf if the range is unbounded at the high end.
get_inclusivity_string() -> str
Returns one of the four strings, “[]”, “(]”, “[)”, or “()” representing the inclusivity of the range.
is_unbounded_low() -> bool
Returns True if this OERange object has -infinity as a lower value.
is_unbounded_high() -> bool
Returns True if this OERange object has infinity as an upper value.