Reaction & Reagent Database Validator¶
Category Paths
Follow one of these paths in the Orion user interface, to find the floe.
Role-based/Cheminformatician/Medicinal Chemistry Support
This floe will perform a series of validations on the provided reaction & reagent database to verify and diagnose issues with the reaction definition file used in the database creation.
Required Inputs:
A reaction & reagent database generated by either the Dataset to Reaction & Reagent Database or ZINC Download to Reaction & Reagent Database floes is required for input.
The validation output is a floe report with validation status for each reaction from the reaction definition file and the classified reagents in the database.
Optional Activities:
Reagent Sampling: If ON, reagents will be sampled from the full set of reagents in the reaction & reagent database. If OFF, a limited number of reagents are extracted, generally in reagent registration order. Sampling add overhead to extract the full set of reagents, but can provide a better overview of the variations in chemistry of the reagents.
Reaction Validations: This parameter can be used to provide a list of reaction ids (space- or comma-delimited) for the validation activity, or blank to process all the reactions from the reaction & reagent database.
Reaction & Reagent Directory: if ON, will generate a floe report that is a listing of all the reactions in the database.
Output Generated Products: if ON, all the valid products generated during the validation will be output to the Generated Products Dataset. If OFF, just a count of the products generated is provided.
Output Unreacted Products: if ON, reagents that fail to transform to products will be output to the Unreacted Reagents Dataset. If OFF, just a count of the products generated is provided.
Output Valence Errors: if ON, all the products that fail valence validations will be output to the Valence Error Dataset. If OFF, just a count of the products generated is provided.
Max Reagents: For N-components, this value to the Nth power will be used for the validation. Generally something less that 1000 for 2-component reactions is recommended.
Strict Valences: This parameter controls the behavior of the selected Check Valences parameter behavior by rejecting valence errors outright, or rejecting valence errors after a valence repair is attempted.
Max [Pass|Valence|Fail] Results: Caps the number of output structures for each category.
Sample Seed: A specific random seed (generally a 6-digit integer) can be provided to allow reproducibility of the floe when Reagent Sampling is employed.
Logging Verbosity: generally only warning level verbosity is recommended, but specific problems with the floe may need info level reporting for support tickets.
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Unreacted Reagents Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Output dataset containing input failures and reagents that failed to reactDefault: Unreacted_reagents
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Reaction & Reagent Database (rxndb) type: file_in: The name of the reaction & reagent database to use
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Valence Error Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Output dataset containing products with valence errorsDefault: Valence_errors
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Check Valences (checkvalences) type: string: How to handle valence issues for the generated productsDefault: rejectChoices: reject, allow, fix
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Reaction & Reagent Database (rxndb) type: file_in: The name of the reaction & reagent database to use
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Output Generated Products (switch) type: boolean: If OFF, just counts product records, but does not output themDefault: True
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Generated Products Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Output dataset containing generated productsDefault: Generated_products
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Output Valence Errors (switch) type: boolean: If OFF, just counts valence errors, but does not output themDefault: False
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Output Unreacted Reagents (switch) type: boolean: If OFF, just counts unreacted reagents, but does not output themDefault: False
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Output Half Rxn Errors (switch) type: boolean: If OFF, just count half reaction validation errors, but do not output themDefault: False
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Reaction & Reagent Database (rxndb) type: file_in: The name of the reaction & reagent database to use
Parameter title in user interface (promoted name)
Half Rxn Error Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Output dataset with half reaction validation errorsDefault: Halfrxn_errors