
This namespace contains constants representing various styles of overlay highlighting.

The OEHighlightOverlayStyle namespace contains the following constants:


The default highlighting style is OEHighlightOverlayStyle_BallAndStick.


See example in Figure: Example of overlay highlighting using the ‘BallAndStick’ style.

  • Atoms are highlighted by depicting spheres underneath them. If an atom is part of more than one patterns, then all the colors associated with the patterns are used by turns to color pie segments of the sphere.

  • Bonds are highlighted by depicting sticks underneath them. If a bond is part of more than one patterns, then all the colors associated with the patterns are used by turns to color line segments of the stick.


Example of overlay highlighting using the ‘BallAndStick’ style

The radius of the spheres and the width of the sticks are automatically scaled with the molecule. See example in Figure: Example of scaling the ‘BallAndStick’ style highlighting along with the molecule.


Example of scaling the ‘BallAndStick’ style highlighting along with the molecule


It is recommended to select colors with high contrast when highlighting overlapped patterns with the OEHighlightOverlayStyle_BallAndStick style.

See also

Even though there is no limit on the number of overlapping patterns that can be highlighted simultaneously, attempting to highlight too many patterns will result in a complex image that will be difficult to visually interpret. See example in Figure: Example of highlighting extremely overlapping patterns In this image, all unique ‘phenol’ substructures of a molecule are highlighted simultaneously.


Example of highlighting extremely overlapping patterns