This is a preliminary API and may be improved based on user feedback. It is currently available in C++ and Python.
class OEChargeFunc : public OEShape::OEColorFunc
- The OEChargeFunc abstract class defines the following public methods:
The link to the parent method shows public methods that are inherited from OEShape::OEColorFunc.
- The following classes are derived from this class:
bool SetupRef(const OEChem::OEMolBase&)
This method defines the interface for setting up the reference system for the OEChargeFunc derived instance with a molecule.
bool Overlap(const OEChem::OEMolBase& fitMol, OEEonOverlapScore& results);
This method inputs and sets up a database molecule for further electrostatics overlap calculations with its conformations and starts.
bool Overlap(const double* coords, OEEonOverlapScore& results); bool Overlap(const OEChem::OEMolBase& fitMol, OEEonOverlapScore& results);
These methods calculate the charge density overlap between the reference and the fit molecules. The reference molecule must be set using the
method. The first overload assumes that the fit molecule has been set using theSetup
method and uses the specified coordinates for the fit molecule. The second overlap takes the specified fit molecule and its current coordinates.operator()¶
double operator()(const double*, double*)
This public method implements the function value and gradient of overlap as a function of database conformer/start coordinates. It is assumed that the reference has been already set via the
method. The database molecule has been set withSetup