
This namespace encodes symbolic constants used as bit-masks to indicate which highlighting interface parameters are being created when invoking the OEConfigureFPDatabaseOptions function.

The OEFPDatabaseOptionsSetup namespace contains the following constants:


The combination of following constants:


Passing this constant to the OEConfigureFPDatabaseOptions function result in generating the following default interface.

Contents of parameter -cutoff
   Aliases : -c
   Type : float
   Allow list : false
   Default : (parameter does not have a default)
   Simple : true
   Required : false
   Brief : Similarity cutoff value

      API : OEFPDatabaseOptions::SetCutoff method
      By default there is no similarity cutoff


Passing this constant to the OEConfigureFPDatabaseOptions function result in generating the following default interface.

Contents of parameter -descending
   Aliases : -d
   Type : bool
   Allow list : false
   Default : true
   Simple : true
   Required : false
   Brief : Order of similarity scores

      API : OEFPDatabaseOptions::SetDescendingOrder method
      If true scores are returned in descending order otherwise in ascending order


Passing this constant to the OEConfigureFPDatabaseOptions function result in generating the following default interface.

Contents of parameter -limit
   Aliases : -l
   Type : int
   Allow list : false
   Default : 10
   Simple : true
   Required : false
   Legal ranges :
      100000 to 0
   Brief : Maximum number of similarity scores

      API : OEFPDatabaseOptions::SetLimit method
      If set to zero, then all of the similarity scores are returned


Passing this constant to the OEConfigureFPDatabaseOptions function result in generating the following default interface.

Contents of parameter -simfunc
   Aliases : -s
   Type : string
   Allow list : false
   Default : Tanimoto
   Simple : true
   Required : false
   Legal values : Tanimoto Cosine Dice Euclid Tversky Manhattan
   Brief : Similarity measure

      API : OEFPDatabaseOptions::SetSimFunc method and OESimMeasure namespace