
class OECustomConstraints

OECustomConstraints holds a set of custom docking constraints used by OEDock. Each custom constraint is defined by an OEFeature contained by this class.

To use the constraints specified by an OECustomConstraints object the object must be passed to the receptor with OEReceptorSetCustomConstraints prior to calling the OEDock.Initialize method of OEDock.



Default constructor. Object contains no features in the default constructed state.

OECustomConstraints(const OECustomConstraints& )

Copy Constructor.


OECustomConstraints& operator=(const OECustomConstraints&)

Assignment operator.


OESystem::OEIterBase<      OEFeature>* GetFeatures(bool enabledOnly = true)
OESystem::OEIterBase<const OEFeature>* GetFeatures(bool enabledOnly = true) const

Returns an iterator over all features contained by this class, or all enabled features if enabledOnly is true (see OEFeature.GetEnabled method).


OEFeature* AddFeature()

Adds a new OEFeature object to this class and returns a pointer to the newly created OEFeature. The returned OEFeature object is owned by this class, and will be destroyed by the destructor of this class.


bool DeleteFeature(const OEFeature* feature)

Deletes an OEFeature owned by this class. Note that after this method is called feature will no longer point to a valid OEFeature object.


unsigned int NumFeatures(bool enabledOnly = true) const

Returns the number of OEFeature objects contained by this class.

If enabledOnly is true then only OEFeature objects for which the method OEFeature.GetEnabled returns true will be counted.


bool Clear()

Returns this object to its default constructed state, deleting any OEFeature objects it may currently be holding.