
class OESzybkiOptions : public OESystem::OEOptions

This class represents options to setup a OESzybki calculation.


OESzybkiOptions(const OESzybkiOptions &)

Default and copy constructors.


OESzybkiOptions &operator=(const OESzybkiOptions &)


OESzybkiGeneralOptions& GetGeneralOptions()
const OESzybkiGeneralOptions& GetGeneralOptions() const

Returns a reference to the OESzybkiGeneralOptions instance as currently set. These options are used in defining general environment for all szybki calculations.


OESzybkiOptOptions& GetOptOptions()
const OESzybkiOptOptions& GetOptOptions() const

Returns a reference to the OESzybkiOptOptions instance as currently set. These are options related to optimization in OESzybki.


OESzybkiProteinOptions& GetProteinOptions()
const OESzybkiProteinOptions& GetProteinOptions() const

Returns a reference to the OESzybkiProteinOptions instance as currently set. These are options related to proteins in OESzybki.


unsigned int GetRunType() const

Returns Szybki run type declared in the OESzybkiOptions object.


OESzybkiSolventOptions& GetSolventOptions()
const OESzybkiSolventOptions& GetSolventOptions() const

Returns a reference to the OESzybkiSolventOptions instance as currently set. These are options related to solvents in OESzybki.


void SetGeneralOptions(const OESzybkiGeneralOptions&)

Sets the general szybki options by passing in an OESzybkiGeneralOptions instance. These options are used in defining general environment for all szybki calculations.


void SetOptOptions(const OESzybkiOptOptions&)

Sets the optimization options by passing in OESzybkiOptOptions instance. These are options related to optimization in OESzybki.


void SetProteinOptions(const OESzybkiProteinOptions&)

Sets the protein options by passing in OESzybkiProteinOptions instance. These are options related to proteins in OESzybki.


bool SetRunType(unsigned int run_type)

Sets requested run type. Returns true if run was successfully set. Possible input choices are given in the namespace OERunType. Warning: Setting run_type with OERunType_SolidBodyOpt implies optimization of a ligand inside rigid protein receptor. An attempt of solid-body optimization inside flexible protein receptor (see method OESzybkiProteinOptions.SetProteinFlexibilityType) will result in a message: Fatal: Solid-body optimization allowed only for ligand in fixed protein.


void SetSolventOptions(const OESzybkiSolventOptions&)

Sets the solvent options by passing in OESzybkiSolventOptions instance. These are options related to solvents in OESzybki.