class OESzybki
This class represents OESzybki.
OESzybki(unsigned int force_field=OEForceFieldType::MMFF94)
OESzybki(const OESzybkiOptions& opts)
First constructor builds the OESzybki object which will use MMFF force field.
At the moment MMFF94 and MMFF94s are the only force fields implemented for intramolecular
interactions. To use these for both intramolecular and intermolecular interactions, use
or OEForceFieldType_MMFF94S
While maintaining one of the above two forcefields for ligand intermolecular interactions,
the amber ff99SB forcefield can be specified for protein-ligand interactions as an
overall chimeric forcefield with: OEForceFieldType_MMFF_AMBER
specifying anything other than the above choices will lead to the following error
message: “Not a valid force field”.
In the second constructor an instance of the OESzybkiOptions class is
passed, so the OESzybki object is constructed with one or more
predefined options. Newton-Raphson optimization requires the usage of the second constructor
with a predefined optimizer type with a method
. In all other cases the functionalities of
OESzybki objects instantiated with both constructors are the same.
OESystem::OEIterBase<OESz::OESzybkiResults> *operator()(OEChem::OEMCMolBase &m)
bool operator()(OEChem::OEMolBase &m, OESz::OESzybkiResults &res)
The first operator performs geometry optimization on all
conformers in the passed molecule m
and updates it with
optimized coordinates. It returns an iterator whose elements are
OESzybkiResults objects. OESzybkiResults contains the energy
values of the relevant potential terms, total energies and
gradients. The description of the OESzybkiResults structure is given
below. The second operator performs the same task on a molecule
in a single conformation. A reference to an instance of
OESzybkiResults structure has to be passed. If the calculation
fails the operator returns false
void ClearFixAtoms()
Removes the fix
constraint on any fixed atoms. After the use of this function, positions of all
atoms could change upon optimization.
bool ClearHarmonicConstraints()
Removes harmonic constraints. Returns true
if constraints were removed and false
when the action
was not necessary because a constraining potential was not present.
bool ClearTorsionConstraint()
Removes torsion constraint. Returns true
if constraint is removed and false
when the action was not
necessary because a constraining potential was not present.
bool FixAtoms(std::string smarts_pattern)
bool FixAtoms(const OESystem::OEUnaryPredicate<OEChem::OEAtomBase> &)
Fixes a set of atoms at their initial positions in space. The first function fixes
a set of atoms which belong to a SMARTS pattern determined by the parameter
. It returns true
if the SMARTS string passed is valid, false
otherwise. The second function fixes only those atoms for which the predicate passed
is true
, and returns true
if the predicate is valid.
GetEntropy(const OEChem::OEMCMolBase&, unsigned int, unsigned int)¶
double GetEntropy(const OEChem::OEMCMolBase &m, unsigned int method=OEEntropyMethod::QNewton,
unsigned int env=OEEnvType::SolutionSPT)
Estimates and returns the entropy of a compound in different environments for an ensemble of
conformations given in the input molecule m
. The method does not alter the input set of
conformations. The default parameter method
specifies that the method of entropy evaluation
is quasi-Newton. The alternative value for this parameter is
. The last parameter in both methods specifies ligand
environment. Its default value refers to the ligand in solution where solvation entropy is
handled by scaled-particle theory (SPT). The remaining possible values of the parameter env
are: OEEnvType_Gas
, OEEnvType_Protein
which specify gas-phase, protein-bound and solution ligand,
respectively. In the case of OEEnvType_SolutionSA
the solvation entropy is
evaluated with the “Surface Area” model, however we recommend the default which uses SPT.
Deprecated since version 1.8.2: Use overloaded OESzybki.GetEntropy
double GetEntropy(OEChem::OEMCMolBase& m, OESzybkiEnsembleResults& r,
unsigned int method = OEEntropyMethod::QNewton,
unsigned int env = OEEnvType::SolutionSPT)
Estimates and returns the entropy of a compound in different environments for an ensemble of
conformations given in the input molecule m
. The set of optimized unique conformations is
returned in the first parameter m
. The method takes the reference of the
OESzybkiEnsembleResults object r
which carries the entropy results for the
ensemble. The default parameter method
specifies that the method of vibrational entropy
evaluation is based on second derivatives matrix (Hessian) which is taken from the final
step of quasi-Newton optimization. The alternative value for this parameter is
. When the latter is selected, Hessian matrix is
calculated analytically. The last parameter specifies ligand environment. Its default value
refers to the ligand in solution where solvation entropy is handled by scaled-particle theory
(SPT). The remaining possible values of the parameter env
, OEEnvType_Protein
which specify gas-phase, protein-bound and solution
ligand respectively. In the case of OEEnvType_SolutionSA
the solvation
entropy is evaluated with the “Surface Area” model, however we recommend the default which
uses SPT.
const OESystem::OEUnaryPredicate<OEChem::OEAtomBase> *GetFixPredicate() const
Returns a pointer to the predicate used to determine which atoms are fixed.
const OESystem::OEUnaryPredicate<OEChem::OEAtomBase> *
GetHarmonicConstraints(double &kc, double &kd) const
Provides a method to query for the harmonic constraint used, the force constant kc
and distance kd
. The function returns a pointer to a predicate which determines which
atoms are constrained. If the returned pointer is 0, then no harmonic constraints are used.
bool GetProtein(OEChem::OEMolBase &p) const
Copies the current protein molecule to the passed molecule object p
. If the OESzybki
object does not hold a protein molecule, the function will return false
void GetSheffieldParameters(double &a, double &b, double &dc) const
Returns the Sheffield solvation model parameters which are currently used.
void LoadPotentialGrid(std::string fname)
Reads a pre-calculated potential grid from the file name fname
. For a large number of ligands to be
optimized inside a single protein with the use of the electrostatic model
(see function OESzybkiProteinOptions.SetProteinElectrostaticModel
this function offers a significant saving in CPU time.
void SavePotentialGrid(std::string fname)
Saves potential grid in the file named fname
. The potential grid will be generated in protein-ligand
calculations in which electrostatic model used is OEProteinElectrostatics_GridPB
set with the function
bool SetHarmonicConstraints(double kc, double kd=0.0,
const OESystem::OEUnaryPredicate<OEChem::OEAtomBase> &pred=OEChem::OEIsHeavy())
Adds potential term \(V=k_c(r - k_d)^2\) for every atom for which the passed
predicate operator returns true
. Default predicate imposes
harmonic potential on
every heavy atom. Parameter kc
is the force constant \(k_c\) (in \(kcal/(mol |A|^2)\)
and kd
is the constraining
distance \(k_d\) in Å. By default kd
is set to 0. Function returns true
harmonic potential added.
bool SetProtein(const OEChem::OEMolBase& protein)
Sets the protein molecule for subsequent szybki calculations. The protein
molecule may be modified by this operation, if needed. It returns false
if the operation fails, otherwise true
To specify charging options for protein-ligand coulombic interactions, use the OESzybkiSolventOptions.SetChargeEngine
method under the OESzybkiSolventOptions class. To work with the pre-existing charges, use the OEChargeEngineNoOp as the charging engine.
void SetSheffieldParameters(double a, double b, double dc=1.0)
Sheffield solvation energy requires two parameters \(a\) and \(b\): \(E_{solv} = -\frac{f_\epsilon}{8\pi \epsilon_0}\sum_{i,j}\frac{q_iq_j}{\sqrt{(aR_iR_j + br_{ij}^2)}}\) where \(q_i\) and \(q_j\) are atomic charges, \(R_i\) and \(R_j\) are vdW radii for atoms \(i\) and \(j\), and \(r_{ij}\) is the interatomic distance. Parameter \(f_\epsilon\) depends on dielectric constants of the solute (\(\epsilon\)) and the solvent (\(\epsilon_{solv}\)): \(f_\epsilon = 1/\epsilon - 1/\epsilon_{solv})\). This function sets both parameters \(a\) and \(b\) to the required values, as well as the solute dielectric constant (which may not exceed 10). If the function not used, the solute dielectric constant is set to 1.0, and the default values of \(a = 1.553149\) and \(b = 0.735694\) are adopted ([Grant-2007]).
bool SetTorsionConstraint(std::string tor_pattern, double k, double phi0) bool SetTorsionConstraint(const OEChem::OETorsion& tor, double k)The method adds a potential term \(V=k_c(cos(phi) - cos(phi0))^2\) for a torsion. The first method specifies the torsion with a SMARTS pattern passed as a string
tor pattern
. This must be in the indexed form which show which atoms forms the torsion. For example a valid pattern is[C:1][N:2][c:3][s:4]
is the user specified force field in kcal/mol, andphi0
is the torsion reference dihedral angle in radians. The function returnstrue
if a torsion constraint is added successfully.The second method takes an instance of an OETorsion object,
, which defines a single torsion to be constrained.k
is the user specified force field in kcal/mol. The function returnstrue
if a constrained torsion is added successfully.