OEChem TK 4.1.0

New features

Major bug fixes

  • The handling of OESMILESFlag::ExtBonds formatted fragments has been improved to better support explicit cis/trans parity information for the coupling bond.

  • Parse multiply referenced enhanced stereogroups correctly from CXSMILES appendices.

  • The mapping behavior of *atom and Rgroup atoms for both MDL and SMARTS queries is now synchronized. Rgroups and/or *atoms in queries are now equivalently supported for OEMakeSubSearchQueryScreen.

  • Conversion of OERecord to CSV now writes CXSMILES instead of SMILES to ensure enhanced stereo is not dropped.

Minor bug fixes

  • Null argument checks have been added to OESuppressHydrogens to avoid causing a crash.

  • Any attempt to kekulize partial structures for OEUniMolecularRxn has been fully suppressed when specifically requested, which allows explicit nonaromatic/aromatic transformations for partial ring structures.

  • .lst and .list no longer appear as viable input file types in the options in OESimpleAppOptions and OERefInputAppOptions.

OESystem TK 4.1.0

New features

OEMath TK 4.1.0

New features

OEBio TK 4.1.0

New features

  • A new overload of OESubsetDesignUnit has been added to allow for in-place subsetting of a design unit to avoid generating a copy.

Major bug fixes

  • Several issues in OEPlaceHydrogens have been added to address:

    • improved perception and geometry for sp3 secondary amines.

    • improved chelation rules for primary amines.

    • improved chelation rules for phosphate and borate groups.

    • improved chelation rules for sulfonamide groups.

    • improved chelation rules for hydroxamate moieties.

Minor bug fixes

  • Null argument checks have been added to OEGetTorsion to avoid causing a crash.

OEGrid TK 4.1.0

Major bug fixes

OESystem TK 4.1.0

New features

OEMath TK 4.1.0

New features