class OESimSearchResult
The OESimSearchResult class is used to store the results of a similarity search along with reporting the progress of the search and the histogram of the similarity scores.
See also
OESimSearchResult(const size_t nrbins=50u, const double minv, const double maxv)
Constructor an empty result object with parameters for the score histogram.
- nrbins
Number of bins in the histogram (default = 50).
- minv
Minimum bound (inclusive) of the histogram range (default = 0.0).
- maxv
Maximum bound (inclusive) of the histogram range (default = 1.0).
OEFPHistogram GetHistogram() const
Returns an OEFPHistogram object that stores the histogram of similarity scores.
unsigned GetSearchStatus() const
Returns the status of the similarity search defined in
the OESimSearchStatus
OESystem::OEIterBase<OESimScore> *GetSortedScores()
Returns an iterator over the calculated similarity scores (OESimScore) in the sorted order. Each OESimScore holds a similarity score and index of the corresponding fingerprint of the database.
size_t NumSearched() const
Returns the number of fingerprints that have been already searched. This counter is continuously updated and provides the progress of the similarity search.
size_t NumTargets() const
Returns the number of targets (i.e. the number of fingerprints in the database).