
This API is currently available in C++ and Python.

class OEFF14SBSage : public OEFF14SBSmirnoff

The OEFF14SBSage is a class for protein systems which might contain cofactors. It assumes that the iteraction are described with OEFF14SBSageParams.

The following methods are publicly inherited from OEFunc0:
The following methods are publicly inherited from OEFunc1:
The following methods are publicly inherited from OEFunc2:
The following methods are publicly inherited from OEMolFunc:
The following methods are publicly inherited from OEForceField:
The following methods are publicly inherited from OEGenericFF2:
The following methods are publicly inherited from OEFF14SBSmirnoff


OEFF14SBSage(const OEMolPotential::OENonBondIntcsOptions& opts = OEMolPotential::OENonBondIntcsOptions())
OEFF14SBSage(const OEFF14SBSage&)

Default and copy constructors.


OEFF14SBSage& operator=(const OEFF14SBSage&)

The assignment operator.