Macro Molecules Page

MacroMolecular Data Service (MMDS) is a protein structure repository that allows the transfer of molecules and protein structures to Orion.

MMDS offers access to project structures, as well as structures from corporate collections or the PDB, each prepared by the Spruce function of Orion. If electron density is present, structures can be analyzed for quality by the Iridium criteria. Visualization of structures, ligand interactions, active site density, and crystal and biological unit partners are provided. Selected structures can be retrieved as datasets for use in docking or structure-based design.


This page replaces the deprecated Data Sources page. It is visible only to customers with MMDS.

Previously, Orion connected to web services, such as FastROCS®, MaaS, and MMDS, to transfer molecules and protein structures to Orion and to search extremely large molecular databases.

Molecule Search replaces FastROCS and MaaS with a more functional workflow for ultrafast, streamlined searches of large databases. It offers the same capabilities as Maas and FastROCS in one convenient tool.