Sketcher Tool

The Sketcher allows you to draw a molecule with the assistance of tools in its left-hand tool bar.


The Sketcher, Used to Draw a New Molecule

Hover over the tool bar icons for tips on using them to select, draw, and manage parts of a molecule.

The Sketcher is available on the Project Data page and in other contexts where you want to specify a molecule, such as on the Molecule Search page.

Select a tool in the toolbar and hover over icons to see tool tips. You can sketch a molecule with such tools as Fragment (fragment_icon), Templates (template_icon), and Atoms (atom_icon). Other tools allow you to select, erase parts of a sketch, clean up the molecule geometry, undo and redo a change, fit the molecule to the window, clear the current sketch, pan, and zoom in or out.

Specify an Atom

Select the Atom (atom_icon) tool and its arrow to display a list of elements and their associated letters, such as S for sulfur. You can also pick an element from the periodic table using the ... button. If you select an element first, you can place it on the molecule by clicking the position in the molecule sketch.

To specify an atom, you also can hover on the symbol at the end of a bond and use a keystroke to identify the element:


Specifying an Element