SiteHopper Search
Category Paths
Follow one of these paths in the Orion user interface, to find the floe.
Role-based/Computational Chemist
Role-based/Structural Biologist
Task-based/Target Prep & Analysis/Protein Similarity Search
Solution-based/Small Molecule Lead-opt/3D Similarity
This floe performs a SiteHopper search on protein targets in a SiteHopper Collection. The search has two stages. (1) A pre-screen filters for target matches and (2) the rescore/refinement step generates a hit list of top performing searches.
SiteHopper compares protein binding sites between protein targets using shape and color. For more information see SiteHopper (to avoid leaving this page, right-click and open link in new tab)
Potential Input Sources SPRUCE - Protein Preparation, SPRUCE (to avoid leaving this page, right-click and open link in new tab)
Computation Scaling This floe has been optimized for search. The size or number of the SiteHopper Collection(s) will have little effect on computation costs.
Limitations This floe only accepts a single design unit as a query per run.
Promoted Parameters
Title in user interface (promoted name)
Query dataset (data_in): Only a dataset with record as query is supported. If you supply a dataset with more than one record, or one record with more than one DU, the floe will fail.
Type: data_source
Input Collections (collection): Collection containing SiteHopper DUs and Patch oez files. Search can only be run on a single input collection.
Type: collection_source
SiteHopper Search Hit List (num_hits): Size of the hit list from SiteHopper search.
Type: integer
Default: 200
Output Search Hits (ofs): Output records from the SiteHopper search hits. The query used in the search will be the first record in the dataset.
Type: dataset_out
Default: SiteHopper Search Results
Search Failures (fofs): Output records that failed SiteHopper search.
Type: dataset_out
Default: SiteHopper Search Failures
SiteHopper Options
Normalize & Rescore (norm_rescore): Normalize, re-score and re-transform patches
Type: boolean
Default: True
Choices: [True, False]
Score Cutoff (cutoff): Minimum patch overlay score to pass a hit to the hitlist
Type: decimal
Default: 0.98
Max Sequence Similarity (max_seq_score): Proteins with a sequence similarity score > max_score get sent to the failure port.
Type: decimal
Default: 100.0