Pose Generation with Flexible Overlay¶
- This cube generates ligand poses with Flexible Overlay Optimization.
When multiple reference molecules are provided, Rigid Overlay is performed using all of the reference molecules, and the one with the highest TanimotoCombo is chosen as the reference system for the final FlexiOverlay optimization. This cube expects that the stereocenters for the input molecule has been specified.
Calculation Parameters¶
CPUs (cpu_count) type: integer: The number of CPUs to run this cube withDefault: 1 , Min: 1, Max: 128 Cube Metrics (cube_metrics) type: string: Set of metrics to be collectedChoices: cpu, disk, memory, network Temporary Disk Space (MiB) (disk_space) type: decimal: The minimum amount of disk space in MiB (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.Default: 5120.0 , Min: 128.0, Max: 8589934592 MCS Overlay (do_mcs) type: boolean: MCS overlay calculations in flexioverlay.Default: True GPUs (gpu_count) type: integer: The number of GPUs to run this cube withDefault: 0 , Max: 16 Instance Tags (instance_tags) type: string: Only run on machines with matching tags (comma separated)Default: “” Instance Type (instance_type) type: string: The type of instance that this cube needs to be run on Max Backlog Wait (max_backlog_wait) type: integer: The max time (in seconds) that a cube will be backlogged on a group before being re-evaluatedDefault: 600 , Min: 300 Max Rotors (max_rotors) type: integer: Cutoff of rotatable bonds. The cube will skip molecules with rotors more than the cutoff.Default: 40 , Min: 1, Max: 9999 Memory (MiB) (memory_mb) type: decimal: The minimum amount of memory in MiBs (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.Default: 1800 , Min: 256.0, Max: 8589934592 Metric Period (metric_period) type: decimal: How often to sample metrics, in secondsDefault: 60Choices: 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, Min: 1, Max: 300 Number of flexibly optimized poses to be generated (num_poses) type: integer: Number of features in ROCS kernel-PLS model.Default: 1 , Min: 1, Max: 20 Thread limit per CPU (pids_per_cpu_limit) type: integer: The number of threads per CPUDefault: 32 Shared Memory (MiB) (shared_memory_mb) type: decimal: The amount of shared memory to allow a container to addressDefault: 64 Spot policy (spot_policy) type: string: Control cube placement on spot market instancesDefault: ProhibitedChoices: Allowed, Preferred, NotPreferred, Prohibited, Required
Field parameters¶
Extended Log Field (ext_log_field) type: Field Type: StringVec: Message extended log fieldDefault: Extended Log Field Flexi Probability Field (flexi_prob_field) type: Field Type: Float: Flexi estimated pose probability.Default: Flexi Probability None (in_mol_field) type: Field Type: Chem.Mol: Log Field (log_field) type: Field Type: String: The field to store messages to floe reportDefault: Log Field None (out_mol_field) type: Field Type: Chem.Mol: Output Query field (out_refmol_field) type: Field Type: Chem.Mol: Reference molecule corresponding to the highest score.Default: Query None (ref_mol_field) type: Field Type: Chem.Mol:
Hardware Parameters¶
- Machine hardware requirements
- Memory (MiB) (memory_mb) type: decimal: The minimum amount of memory in MiBs (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.Default: 1800 , Min: 256.0, Max: 8589934592
- Shared Memory (MiB) (shared_memory_mb) type: decimal: The amount of shared memory to allow a container to addressDefault: 64
- Thread limit per CPU (pids_per_cpu_limit) type: integer: The number of threads per CPUDefault: 32
- Max Backlog Wait (max_backlog_wait) type: integer: The max time (in seconds) that a cube will be backlogged on a group before being re-evaluatedDefault: 600 , Min: 300
- Temporary Disk Space (MiB) (disk_space) type: decimal: The minimum amount of disk space in MiB (1048576 B) this cube requires. Due to overhead, request a couple hundred MiB more than required.Default: 5120.0 , Min: 128.0, Max: 8589934592
- GPUs (gpu_count) type: integer: The number of GPUs to run this cube withDefault: 0 , Max: 16
- CPUs (cpu_count) type: integer: The number of CPUs to run this cube withDefault: 1 , Min: 1, Max: 128
- Instance Type (instance_type) type: string: The type of instance that this cube needs to be run on
- Spot policy (spot_policy) type: string: Control cube placement on spot market instancesDefault: ProhibitedChoices: Allowed, Preferred, NotPreferred, Prohibited, Required
- Instance Tags (instance_tags) type: string: Only run on machines with matching tags (comma separated)Default: “”
Metrics Parameters¶
- Cube Metric Parameters
- Metric Period (None) type: decimal: How often to sample metrics, in secondsDefault: 60Choices: 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, Min: 1, Max: 300
- Cube Metrics (None) type: string: Set of metrics to be collectedChoices: cpu, disk, memory, network
Parallel Pose Generation with Flexible Overlay
The parallel version adds these extra parameters.
Number of messages to distribute at a time (item_count) type: integer: The maximum number of messages to bundle together for a parallel cube.Default: 1 , Min: 1, Max: 65535 Maximum Failures (max_failures) type: integer: The maximum number of times to attempt processing a work itemDefault: 10 , Min: 1, Max: 100 Autoscale this Cube (autoscale) type: boolean: If True, let Orion manage the parallelism of this CubeDefault: True Maximum number of Cubes (max_parallel) type: integer: The maximum number of concurrently running copies of this CubeDefault: 1000 , Min: 1 Minimum number of Cubes (min_parallel) type: integer: The minimum number of concurrently running copies of this CubeDefault: 0