Dataset Manipulation – Field Rename

Category Paths

Follow one of these paths in the Orion user interface, to find the floe.

  • Task-based/Data Science/Conversion


This floe renames a record field in the input dataset. Records that do not contain the field can be either emitted to the dataset or written into a failure dataset (upon request).

Titles of required parameters (promoted names)

  • Input Dataset (data_in) type: data_source: Dataset to manipulate.
  • Failed Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Output dataset of failed calculations.
    Default: Failed Output for Dataset Manipulation – Field Rename
  • Output Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Output dataset of successful calculations
    Default: field renamed
  • From Field Name (from_field) type: string: The field to copy from
  • Keep Record (keep) type: boolean: The parameter that determines whether or not to send the intact records to the success port if it does not contain the given field. By default, records without the given field will be emitted to the failure port.
    Default: False
  • To Field Name (to_field) type: string: The field to copy to