Filtering of Crystal Structures Based on Powder Diffraction Pattern
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Role-based/Formulation Scientist
Product-based/Crystal Structure Prediction
Task-based/Crystal Structure Prediction
This Floe filters crystal structures based on similarity of the powder diffraction pattern.
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Output Dataset with Powder Diffraction Discarded Results. (discard_out) type: dataset_out: Resulting Dataset containing powder diffraction discarded structures.Default: discard Powder Filtering failures (failure) type: dataset_out: Failures of Powder diffraction filtering.Default: failure ‘xye’ File to Use as Input (file) type: file_in: Text file describing powder diffraction pattern of the reference structure. Fit Crystal Structures (in_fit) type: data_source: Input Dataset containing fit cif files. Output Dataset with Powder Diffraction Filtered Results. (out) type: dataset_out: Resulting Dataset containing powder diffraction filtered structures.Default: filtered