Psi4 Combined Tautomer and Torsion Sampling Conformer Floe
Category Paths
Follow one of these paths in the Orion user interface, to find the floe.
Role-based/Formulation Scientist
Product-based/Crystal Structure Prediction
Task-based/Crystal Structure Prediction
This Floe is a first step for small molecule crystal structure prediction. Reasonable tautomers are first enumerated for the input molecule. Custom torsion sampling rules are generated for each molecule (and tautomer). Finally, a low resolution conformer ensemble is generated. Details for each step are provided below.
Tautomer Enumeration
All reasonable tautomers of each input molecule are enumerated. Note that all molecules (and tautomers) in this Floe will be included in the same energy landscape. Therefore it is not recommended to provide multiple input molecules unless there are multiple forms of the molecule being considered for a Crystal Structure Prediction (i.e. multiple stereo-isomers of the same molecule).
Custom Torsion Rules
To generate custom torsion rules, scanning is performed with the OETorsionScan function from the Szybki Toolkit at a specified resolution (5 degrees by default). This function includes a force field minimization of all internal degrees of freedom except for the rotatable torsion in each fragment. Then, a QM optimization is performed with the torsion constrained while all other degrees of freedom are relaxed.
The torsion scans are used to determine sampling rules for each rotatable bond. The ‘Torsion Rules Output’ comes from this step. To generate more conformers with these custom rules the ‘Torsion Rules Output’ can be used as input in the Psi4 QM Conformer Ensemble (Part I of CSP Protocol) Floe.
Conformer Ensemble
In this step, conformers are generated at the resolution specified in the ‘RMSD Threshold for conformer generation’ parameter. These conformers are QM optimized with all torsions constrained and the single point energy is computed at a higher level of theory. Finally, all conformers above the specified energy window are removed. These conformers saved in the ‘Psi4 Conformer Ensemble Output’ can be used as input for the Polymorph Search with IEFF Crystal Force Field (Part II of CSP Protocol: Generation and Filtering) Floe if a multi-stage approach is being performed.
Analysis and Report
Included in the results is a Floe Report summarizing all of these results. For each molecule, the fragments and their corresponding torsion scans are available. There will be a histogram of conformer energies from the generated ensemble to help understand the relative energies of tautomers of the input molecule. Finally, there is a table summarizing the number of expected conformers at each RMSD. This final table is useful in deciding if the multistage approach is necessary for the next crystal structure prediction steps.
Promoted Parameters
Title in user interface (promoted name)
Input Dataset (in): The dataset(s) to read records from
Type: data_source
Torsion Rules Output (out): Dataset to store records with custom torsion rules, these can be used as input in ‘Psi4 QM Conformer Ensemble’ or Psi4 QM Local Minima Search’ Floes to use the custom torsion rules during conformer generation.
Type: dataset_out
Default: torsion_rule_output
Fragment Output (frag_out): Dataset to store fragment records with torsion scans.
Type: dataset_out
Default: fragment_output
Intermediate Optimization Output (confgen_data_out): Dataset to store QM optimized conformers before deduplication. If a job is cancelled early (either by the user or hitting a cost threshold is reached), these intermediate optimized conformers, will still be saved.
Type: dataset_out
Default: all_conf_gopt
Psi4 Conformer Ensemble Output (psi4_gopt_data_out): Dataset to store optimized conformers in the specified energy window, each record has a single conformer.
Type: dataset_out
Default: confs_psi4_gopt_spe
Failure Output (failure): Dataset to store records which fail during this Floe.
Type: dataset_out
Default: psi4_fragmentation_failures
CSP Conformer Report Title (frag_floe_report_name):
Type: string
Default: taut_torsion_conf_report
Conformer Ensemble Parameters
RMSD Threshold for conformer generation (confgen_rmsd_threshold):
Type: decimal
Default: 0.75
First Test RMSD (test_rmsd2):
Type: decimal
Default: 0.5
Second Test RMSD (test_rmsd3):
Type: decimal
Default: 0.25
Maximum Conformers for Geometry Optimization (limit_confs): This parameter limits the number of conformers optimized, to prevent accidentally spending more than expected on a single Floe. If more than this number of conformers are generated, then only one conformer will be optimized to learn about the cost of this floe/conformer. If the max number of conformers is set to 0, then ALL generated conformers are optimized.
Type: integer
Default: 100
Psi4 Energy Window (kcal/mol) (psi4_energy_window): Psi4 energy window for filtering high strain conformers. When the filter is set to -1 all conformers are included in output.
Type: decimal
Default: 10.0
Advanced Parameters
Generate Reasonable Tautomers Only (reasonable_tautomers): Choice of rather to generate reasonable tautomers (On) or all possible tautomers (Off).
Type: boolean
Default: True
Choices: [True, False]
Remove Extended Ring Atoms (remove_extended): When On, heuristics are used to reduce the size of the fragments by removing atoms from extended ring systems where possible. Turn Off to keep all atoms in complex ring systems. In very rare cases, (with obscure chemistries) turning this Off may reduce problems in fragmentation
Type: boolean
Default: True
Choices: [True, False]
Torsion Increment (resolution): Torsion angle increment in degrees
Type: decimal
Default: 5.0
Energy Cutoff (max_sample_energy): Energy cutoff for choosing angles in custom torsion rules. Default value of 5kcal is chosen based on the assumption that these rules will later be used to generate conformers in a 10kcal/mol energy window. If you plan to generate a QM conformer ensemble in a larger energy window you may want to increase this cut off accordingly.
Type: decimal
Default: 5
Constrain Torsions with Polar Hydrogens (constrain_polar_hydrogens): Torsions terminating in a polar hydrogen (i.e. hydroxyl groups) will be constrained along with all other rotatable bonds (On). Otherwise (Off), only rotatable bonds with heavy atoms will be constrained.
Type: boolean
Default: True
Choices: [True, False]
Psi4 Calculation Parameters
Psi4 Hamiltonian (Torsion Scan) (torsion_method): Method used for geometry optimizations in torsion scans.
Type: string
Default: HF3c
Choices: [‘HF3c’, ‘PBEh3c’, ‘HF’, ‘HF-D3’, ‘B3LYP’, ‘B3LYP-D3BJ’, ‘B3LYP-D3MBJ’, ‘B2PLYP-D3BJ’, ‘M06’, ‘M06-2X’, ‘M06-L’, ‘MN15-D3BJ’, ‘MN15-L’, ‘PW6B95-D3BJ’, ‘CAM-B3LYP’, ‘CAM-B3LYP-D3BJ’, ‘WB97X’, ‘WB97X-D’, ‘PBE’, ‘PBE0’]
Psi4 Basis Set (Torsion Scan) (torsion_basis): Basis set used for geometry optimizations in torsion scans.
Type: string
Choices: [‘’, ‘minix’, ‘6-31G’, ‘6-31G*’, ‘6-31+G*’, ‘6-31G**’, ‘6-31+G**’, ‘6-311G**’, ‘6-311+G**’, ‘6-311G(2d,2p)’, ‘def2-SVP’, ‘def2-SVPD’, ‘def2-TZVP’, ‘def2-TZVPD’, ‘def2-TZVPP’, ‘def2-TZVPPD’, ‘cc-pVDZ’, ‘aug-cc-pVDZ’, ‘cc-pVTZ’, ‘aug-cc-pVTZ’, ‘LanL2DZ’]
Psi4 Memory (Torsion Scan) (torsion_memory): Memory for Psi4 calculations in MBs
Type: decimal
Default: 14400
Psi4 #Threads (Torsion Scan) (torsion_nthreads): Number of CPUs for Psi4 calculations.
Type: integer
Default: 8
Psi4 Hamiltonian (conf. geometry optimization) (psi4_gopt_method): Method used for Psi4 geometry optimization.
Type: string
Default: HF3c
Choices: [‘HF3c’, ‘PBEh3c’, ‘HF’, ‘HF-D3’, ‘B3LYP’, ‘B3LYP-D3BJ’, ‘B3LYP-D3MBJ’, ‘B2PLYP-D3BJ’, ‘M06’, ‘M06-2X’, ‘M06-L’, ‘MN15-D3BJ’, ‘MN15-L’, ‘PW6B95-D3BJ’, ‘CAM-B3LYP’, ‘CAM-B3LYP-D3BJ’, ‘WB97X’, ‘WB97X-D’, ‘PBE’, ‘PBE0’]
Psi4 Basis set (conf. geometry optimization) (psi4_gopt_basis): Basis set for Psi4 geometry optimization. Default empty basis set (‘’) goes with HF3c which has one built in.
Type: string
Choices: [‘’, ‘minix’, ‘6-31G’, ‘6-31G*’, ‘6-31+G*’, ‘6-31G**’, ‘6-31+G**’, ‘6-311G**’, ‘6-311+G**’, ‘6-311G(2d,2p)’, ‘def2-SVP’, ‘def2-SVPD’, ‘def2-TZVP’, ‘def2-TZVPD’, ‘def2-TZVPP’, ‘def2-TZVPPD’, ‘cc-pVDZ’, ‘aug-cc-pVDZ’, ‘cc-pVTZ’, ‘aug-cc-pVTZ’, ‘LanL2DZ’]
Psi4 Hamiltonian (Conf. Single Point Energy) (psi4_spe_method): Method used for single point energy calculation.
Type: string
Default: B3LYP-D3MBJ
Choices: [‘HF3c’, ‘PBEh3c’, ‘HF’, ‘HF-D3’, ‘B3LYP’, ‘B3LYP-D3BJ’, ‘B3LYP-D3MBJ’, ‘B2PLYP-D3BJ’, ‘M06’, ‘M06-2X’, ‘M06-L’, ‘MN15-D3BJ’, ‘MN15-L’, ‘PW6B95-D3BJ’, ‘CAM-B3LYP’, ‘CAM-B3LYP-D3BJ’, ‘WB97X’, ‘WB97X-D’, ‘PBE’, ‘PBE0’]
Psi4 Basis Set (Conf. Single Point Energy) (psi4_spe_basis): Basis set used for single point energy calculation.
Type: string
Default: 6-31G*
Choices: [‘’, ‘minix’, ‘6-31G’, ‘6-31G*’, ‘6-31+G*’, ‘6-31G**’, ‘6-31+G**’, ‘6-311G**’, ‘6-311+G**’, ‘6-311G(2d,2p)’, ‘def2-SVP’, ‘def2-SVPD’, ‘def2-TZVP’, ‘def2-TZVPD’, ‘def2-TZVPP’, ‘def2-TZVPPD’, ‘cc-pVDZ’, ‘aug-cc-pVDZ’, ‘cc-pVTZ’, ‘aug-cc-pVTZ’, ‘LanL2DZ’]
Psi4 Memory (conf.) (psi4_memory): Memory for Psi4 calculations in MBs
Type: decimal
Default: 14400
Psi4 #Threads (conf.) (psi4_nthreads): Number of CPUs for Psi4 calculations
Type: integer
Default: 8
Fields Generated during Floe
Torsion Energy Field (frag_energy_field): New field created on torsion scan output to store QM energy at each torsion angle.
Type: field_parameter::float
Default: Psi4 Energy (kcal/mol)
Torsion Strain Energy Field (frag_strain_energy_field): New field created on torsion scan output to store relative QM energies at each torsion angle, for each fragment.
Type: field_parameter::float
Default: Psi4 Strain Energy (kcal/mol)
Conformer Optimization Energy Field (gopt_energy_field): Field to store the absolute QM energy at the end of the conformer optimization.
Type: field_parameter::float
Default: Psi4 Opt Energies (kcal/mol)
Conformer Single Point Energy Field (conf_energy_field): Field to store the absolute QM energy of each conformer after the single point energy calculation.
Type: field_parameter::float
Default: Psi4 Energy (kcal/mol)
Conformer Single Point Strain Energy Field (conf_strain_energy_field): Field to store the relative QM energy after the single point energy calculation.
Type: field_parameter::float
Default: Psi4 Strain Energy (kcal/mol)