FreeForm - Bound Ligand Configurational Free Energies with SZYBKI
Category Paths
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Solution-based/Small Molecule Lead-opt/Ligand Entropy
Role-based/Computational Chemist
Task-based/Ligand Posing & Analysis
FreeForm - Bound Ligand Configurational Free Energies with SZYBKI evaluates the free energy associated with selecting a particular conformer (or a set of conformers) out of the whole conformational ensemble in solution, as well as the additional energy required to restrain to the particular conformation in the bound state.
The minimal input into FreeForm Restriction Energies is a dataset of molecules in 3D format.
Output from the FreeForm Restriction Energies floe consists of two datasets. The first results dataset mimics that of the FreeForm Conformer Energies containing a conformational ensemble per input molecule, along with the associated free energies, and the probability of states for each conformer. The second dataset provides information regarding the total and global restriction energies associated with each input conformer. The unit of free energy is kcal/mol.
Promoted Parameters
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FreeForm settings
Use input ensemble (use_inp_ens): Flag to use input ensemble conformers. Setting this to true would bypass any new conformer generation.
Type: boolean
Default: False
Choices: [True, False]
None (ensemble_field):
Type: field_parameter::mol
Force Field (ff_type): Built-in force field model to be used.
Type: string
Default: sage
Choices: [‘mmff94s’, ‘parsley’, ‘sage’]
Custom FF File (ff): Custom smirnoff force field file. Entry in this field overrides any other force field selections
Type: file_in
Ionic state (ionic_state): Ionic state of molecules to be used
Type: string
Default: ph74
Choices: [‘ph74’, ‘uncharged’, ‘input’]