Compare Induced-Fit Posing (IFP) Results to Target Receptor [IFP]¶
Category Paths
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Product-based/Molecular Dynamics/GROMACS
Product-based/Molecular Dynamics/OpenMM
Role-based/Computational Chemist
Role-based/Medicinal Chemist
Solution-based/Hit to Lead
Task-based/Ligand Posing & Analysis
Tutorials and Further Reading:
Compare Induced-Fit Posing Results to Target Receptor (to avoid leaving this page, right-click and open link in new tab)
Performs the comparison of the IFP results with the target receptor with the known bound ligand and generate a Floe report.
Expertise Level:
Compute Resource:
IFP, Induced-Fit Posing, Induced Fit Posing, IFD, Induced-Fit Docking, Induced Fit Docking
Promoted Parameters
Title in user interface (promoted name)
IFP Output Dataset (ifp_in) type: data_source: IFP Output Dataset Target Receptor Input Dataset for comparison (ref_in) type: data_source: Target receptor with the known bound ligand for comparison to IFP outputs. For later visual inspection, it is recommended to align the reference receptor and the target receptor during receptor preparation.
Titles of required parameters (promoted names)
Failed Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Output dataset of failed calculations.Default: Failed Output for Compare Induced-Fit Posing (IFP) Results to Target Receptor [IFP] Output Dataset (data_out) type: dataset_out: Output dataset of successful calculationsDefault: Output for Compare Induced-Fit Posing (IFP) Results to Target Receptor [IFP]
Optional parameters (promoted names)
IFP Output Dataset (data_in) type: data_source: IFP Output Dataset Target Receptor Input Dataset for comparison (data_in) type: data_source: Target receptor with the known bound ligand for comparison to IFP outputs. For later visual inspection, it is recommended to align the reference receptor and the target receptor during receptor preparation.