ROCS - Shape Based Alignment for Virtual Screening
Category Paths
Follow one of these paths in the Orion user interface, to find the floe.
Role-based/Computational Chemist
Solution-based/Small Molecule Lead-opt/3D Similarity
Solution-based/Virtual-screening/DB Search
Task-based/Virtual Screening - Ligand-Based
ROCS aligns and scores a database of molecules to a shape query or a template molecule. The alignments can be used for a variety of purposes. The scores are used to rank molecules based on the probability that they share relevant (biological) properties with the query molecule.
ROCS aligns molecules based on their shape similarity and their distributions of chemical features. The minimal inputs into ROCS are a shape query or a query molecule with a single 3D conformation, and a search database of molecules with multiple 3D conformations.
Output from the ROCS floe is a hitlist with highly similar molecules at the top. Additional output data columns consist of individual shape and color similarity scores, as well as shape and color overlap diagrams for each alignment.
Promoted Parameters
Title in user interface (promoted name)
ROCS settings
ROCS/SubROCS/Random (start_type): To perform calculation with SubROCS or ROCS with inertial or random starts
Type: string
Default: Rocs
Choices: [‘Rocs’, ‘Subrocs’, ‘Random’]
Number of random starts (num_rand_starts): Number of desired starts in the random starts mode
Type: integer
Default: 4
Num Best Hits (best_hits): Number of best-scoring molecules to keep
Type: integer
Default: 500
Sorter type (sorter_type): Type of predicate for sorting scores
Type: string
Default: HighestTanimotoCombo
Choices: [‘HighestTanimotoCombo’, ‘HighestFitTverskyCombo’, ‘HighestRefTverskyCombo’]
Generate Overlap Depictions (make_depictions): Whether or not to generate shape and color overlap depictions for each hitlist entry
Type: boolean
Default: False
Choices: [True, False]
Color Force Field (color_ff): Color force field to be used
Type: string
Default: ImplicitMillsDean
Choices: [‘ImplicitMillsDean’, ‘ExplicitMillsDean’, ‘ImplicitMillsDeanNoRings’, ‘ExplicitMillsDeanNoRings’]
Custom Color FF File (custom_ff): Custom color force field file. Entry in this field overrides any other color force field selections
Type: file_in