Command Line Help¶
A description of the command line interface can be obtained by executing OMEGA with the –help option.
prompt> oeomega --help
will generate the following output:
Available Modes:
classic - The original customizable omega2 interface
macrocycle - Conformer generation for macrocycles
rocs - Optimal conformer generation for ROCS
pose - Optimal conformer generation for molecular alignment
and pose prediction by docking
dense - Optimal conformer generation for FREEFORM
For more help type:
oeomega classic --help
oeomega macrocycle --help
oeomega rocs --help
oeomega pose --help
oeomega dense --help
There are four help functions available for each mode:
Help functions:
oeomega <mode> --help simple : Get a list of simple parameters
oeomega <mode> --help all : Get a complete list of parameters
oeomega <mode> --help <parameter> : Get detailed help on a parameter
oeomega <mode> --help html : Create an html help file for this program