User Interface Functions

The functions detailed in this section provide access to information about and enable customization of the VIDA user interface.


std::string AppComponentNameGet()

Returns the name of which VIDA component currently has the mouse focus.


void AppComponentNameSet(const std::string &name)

Stores the name of which VIDA component currently has the mouse focus. This function is called internally whenever the mouse focus changes to a new widget within the application. This is primarily intended for internal use and as such should not be called.


std::vector<unsigned int> AppGeometryGet()

Returns a list of four unsigned integers corresponding to the width, height, x and y positions of the application.


std::vector<unsigned int> AppGeometrySet( const std::vector<unsigned int> &geom )
std::vector<unsigned int> AppGeometrySet( unsigned int width,
                                          unsigned int height,
                                          unsigned int x,
                                          unsigned int y,
                                          unsigned int mainx ,
                                          unsigned int mainy )

Sets the width, height, x position, y position, central widget width, and central widget height of the application.


std::string AppGlobalFontGet()

Returns the current global font used in the application.


void AppGlobalFontSet(const std::string &font)

Sets the global font to be used in the application.


std::string AppLayoutGet()

Returns a hexadecimal encoded string representation of the current layout.


std::string AppLayoutSet(const std::string &geom)

Sets the current layout of the application based on the hexadecimal encoded layout specified by geom. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user; however, in the event that it is called, the input to this function should always be the return value from a previous call to AppLayoutGet.


std::vector<std::string> AppLayoutToIcon(unsigned int width  = 24,
                                         unsigned int height = 24 )

Returns a cartoon representation of the current layout as an image of size width and height. The image is returned in XPM format.


std::string AppMainWindowGet()

Returns the name of the current main window.


std::string AppMainWindowSet(const std::string &mainWindow)

Sets the current main window. The name of the desired main window is the input to this function.


bool AppMovableWindowsGet()

Returns whether or not the layout of the individual windows in the application can be changed by clicking and dragging the window to the desired location.


bool AppMovableWindowsSet(bool)

Sets whether or not the layout of the individual windows in the application can be changed by clicking and dragging the window to the desired location.


std::string AppPerspectiveSet(const std::string &perspective)

Sets the current layout of the application based on the hexadecimal encoded layout specified by perspective while maintaining the current geometry (width, height, x and y positions). Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user; however, in the event that it is called, the input to this function should always be the return value of a previous call to AppLayoutGet.


bool AppRecordWindowEventsGet()

Returns whether or not window events are currently being recorded in the application history.


bool AppRecordWindowEventsSet(bool record)

Sets whether or not window events are recorded in the application history.


std::string AppShowGet()

Returns the display status of the application. Potential return values are:

  • “normal”

  • “minimized”

  • “maximized”

  • “fullscreen”


bool AppShowMenuBarGet()

Returns whether or not the main menubar is currently visible.


void AppShowMenuBarSet(bool)

Sets whether or not the main menubar is currently visible.


void AppShowSet(const std::string &style)

Sets the display status of the application. Valid options are:

  • “normal”

  • “minimized”

  • “maximized”

  • “fullscreen”


bool AppShowStatusBarGet()

Returns whether or not the main status bar is currently visible.


void AppShowStatusBarSet(bool)

Sets whether or not the main status bar is currently visible.


bool AppSloppyFocusGet()

Returns whether or not the window focus is changed by simply positioning the mouse over a window as opposed to requiring a click in the window to change focus (the default behavior).


bool AppSloppyFocusSet(bool sloppy)

Sets whether or not the window focus is changed by simply positioning the mouse over a window as opposed to requiring a click in the window to change focus (the default behavior).


void AppStatusTextSet(const std::string &text, unsigned int seconds)

Sets the displayed text in the status bar of the main application window to the specified text. If the seconds parameter is 0, this text will replace the default SMILES display in the status bar. If the seconds parameter is greater than 0, the text will only be displayed for the specified period of time, returning to the default SMILES display when the time has elapsed.


std::string AppWindowStyleGet()

Returns the application window display style of the application. These styles typically correspond to specific operating system window managers.


std::string AppWindowStyleSet(const std::string &windowStyle)

Sets the application window display style of the application. These styles typically correspond to specific operating system window managers.


void BlockBegin()

Blocks user interaction with the GUI with the exception of the abort button. This function is used internally and should only be called by the user to restore already existing blocking behavior that may have been temporarily overridden to enable user interaction within a user specified script.


void BlockEnd()

Restores user interaction with the GUI that was previously blocked by BlockBegin. This function is used internally and should only be called to enable user interaction (if needed) within a user specified script. Any script which calls this function should restore the blocking behavior by calling BlockBegin once the user interaction portion is complete. However, it is important to make sure that blocking is actually active in the first place (see BlockGet) before calling this function and then later calling BlockBegin.


bool BlockExemptGet(const std::string &name)

Returns whether or not the GUI object specified by name is exempt from GUI blocking when Python commands are being executed.


void BlockExemptSet(const std::string &name, bool value)

Sets whether or not the GUI object specified by name is exempt from GUI blocking when Python commands are being executed.


bool BlockGet()

Returns whether or not user interaction with the GUI is currently being blocked. User interaction is typically blocked while Python commands and scripts are being executed.


void BuilderFocusOnProperties()

Displays the Properties tab in the Builder Window.


void BuilderFocusOnSketcher()

Displays the Sketcher tab in the Builder Window.


std::vector<std::string> IconGetXPM(const std::string &name)

Returns an XPM representation of the icon specified by name.


void InterpreterClear()

Clears the contents of the scripting window.


void InterpreterPopUpdateGUI()

Specifies to the application that the normal interface updating behavior should occur after issued commands. This function is normally called in conjunction with InterpreterPushUpdateGUI to terminate the nonupdating behavior triggered by that function. It is important to note that these functions can be nested.


void InterpreterPushUpdateGUI(bool update)

Specifies to the application whether or not the application should be updating the interface after this function is called. This is normally called to allow multiple commands to be issued in a row without causing an interface update after each individual call. A call to InterpreterPopUpdateGUI will resume the normal updating behavior. It is important to note that these calls can be nested.


bool InterpreterShowDebugTextGet()

Returns whether or not debugging text will be displayed in the scripting window.


void InterpreterShowDebugTextSet(bool show)

Sets whether or not debugging text will be displayed in the scripting window.


bool InterpreterTimerGet()

Returns whether or not the application reports the time elapsed after every user entered command.


bool InterpreterTimerSet(bool enable)

Sets whether or not the application reports the time elapsed after every user entered command.


bool InterpreterUpdatesGUI()

Returns whether or not VIDA is updating the interface after every command is completed.


std::string LayoutCurrentGet()

Returns the name of the most recently applied named layout.


bool LayoutExists(const std::string &name)

Returns whether or not the specified named layout exists.


std::string LayoutGet(const std::string &name)

Returns a string representation of the specified name layout. The value returned by this function can be used as input to the following functions:


std::vector<std::string> LayoutIcon(const std::string &name)

Returns the icon associated with the specified named layout in XPM format.


bool LayoutLoad(const std::string &name)

Loads the specified named layout.


std::string LayoutOrganizePrompt()

Launches the layout organization dialog.


void LayoutOverrideOrder(const std::vector<std::string> &names)

Sets the order to be used when displaying the named layouts in the layout button.


bool LayoutRemove(const std::string &name)

Removes the specified named layout.


bool LayoutRename(const std::string &oldName, const std::string &newName)

Renames the specified named layout.


bool LayoutSaveCurrent(const std::string &name)

Saves the current application’s layout using the specified name.


void LayoutSet(const std::string &name, const std::string &data)

Creates a named layout using the specified name and layout data. The input for the data parameter can be obtained from AppLayoutGet command.


bool LayoutStickyGet()


void LayoutStickySet(bool sticky)


std::vector<std::string> Layouts()

Returns a list of the available named layouts.


void ListWindowCollapseAll()

Collapses all the visible nodes in the List Window to show only the top-level list entries.


void ListWindowCollapseCurrent()

Collapses the currently active list node in the List Window to a single top-level entry.


void ListWindowExpandAll()

Expands all the top-level list nodes in the List Window to show their contents.


void ListWindowExpandCurrent()

Expands the currently active list node in the List Window to show its contents.


void ListWindowFirstList()

Makes active the first item in the first list.


void ListWindowFirstListItem()

Makes active the first item in the current list.


void ListWindowFocusOnOERID(unsigned int id)

Changes the view of the list window to ensure that the specified ID is visible.


std::vector<unsigned int> ListWindowGetCurrentPos()

Returns the current active position with the list window. This function is primarily intended for internal use only.


void ListWindowHideColumn(unsigned int column)

Hides the specified column from view in the list window.


bool ListWindowIsVisible()

Returns whether or not the list window is currently visible.


void ListWindowLastList()

Makes active the first item in the last list.


void ListWindowLastListItem()

Makes active the last item in the current list.


bool ListWindowNavigateChildrenGet()

Returns whether or not to navigate through an object’s children when browsing through the list window.


void ListWindowNavigateChildrenSet(bool nav)

Sets whether or not to navigate through an object’s children when browsing through the list window.


void ListWindowNavigateLeft()

Navigate to a new active object as if the user had pressed the left arrow key inside of the list window.


void ListWindowNavigateRight()

Navigate to a new active object as if the user had pressed the right arrow key inside of the list window.


bool ListWindowNextList()

Makes active the first item in the next list.


bool ListWindowNextListItem()

Makes active the next item in the current list.


bool ListWindowPrevList()

Makes active the first item in the previous list.


bool ListWindowPrevListItem()

Makes active the previous item in the current list.


bool ListWindowRowColoringGet()

Returns whether or not the list window uses an alternating row coloring scheme.


void ListWindowRowColoringSet(bool on)

Sets whether or not the list window uses an alternating row coloring scheme.


void ListWindowSetCurrentPos(std::vector<unsigned int> pos)

Sets the current active position within the list window. This is intended for internal use only.


void ListWindowShowColumn(unsigned int column)

Shows the specified column in the list window.


bool MainWindowScreenshot(const std::string &filename="")

Captures an image of the current main window and saves that image to the specified file.


bool MainWindowScreenshotPrompt()

Opens a dialog which allows the user to specify multiple parameters regarding the creation of a screenshot of the main window.


void Pick(unsigned int action, const std::string &source,
          const std::vector<OEPropDB::OEKey> &keys, int replicate)
void Pick(unsigned int action, unsigned int startX, unsigned int startY,
          unsigned int endX, unsigned int endY, unsigned int width,
          unsigned int height)

Picks a small rectangular region on the 3D display specified by the start and end coordinates. This function is primarily intended for internal use.


void PickAgain(unsigned int action)

Repeats the previous Pick action.


void PopIgnoreHint()

This function, paired with PushIgnoreHint, minimizes application response to the functions called between them. Every PushIgnoreHint must be matched with a PopIgnoreHint and vice versa.


std::string PopupAddButton(const std::string &button,
                           const std::string &command, bool showOnce=false)

This function adds a clickable menu entry that runs the specified command to the popup menu. The last optional parameter specifies that this menu entry should only last one show of the popup menu.


std::string PopupAddRadioButton(const std::string &button,
                                const std::string &command,
                                const std::string &updateCommand,
                                bool showOnce=false)

This function adds an exclusive clickable menu entry to the popup menu. The last optional parameter specifies that this menu entry should only last one show of the popup menu. It should only be called between PopupBeginRadioGroup and PopupEndRadioGroup.


std::string PopupAddSeparator(bool once=false, bool conditional=false)

This function adds a non-clickable line menu entry to the popup menu. The last optional parameter specifies that this menu entry should only last one show of the popup menu.


void PopupAddSetupFunc(const std::string &function)

This function specifies a worker function to be called before the popup menu is shown. It is called with no arguments. It is designed to allow context sensitive menu entries to be added to the popup menu.


std::string PopupAddSubmenu(const std::string &child, bool showOnce=false)

This function adds a submenu to the popup menu. The last optional parameter specifies that this menu entry should only last one show of the popup menu.


std::string PopupAddToggleButton(const std::string &button,
                                 const std::string &command,
                                 const std::string &updateCommand,
                                 bool showOnce=false, bool state=false)

This function adds a clickable menu entry that runs the specified command to the popup menu. The last optional parameter specifies that this menu entry should only last one show of the popup menu. The state of the toggle is passed as either 0 or 1 in the variable OEInternal.MenuVal. The return value of the update command is used to set the state of the toggle. Returning 1 or True from the update function sets the toggle on.


void PopupBeginRadioGroup()

This function specifies that the following added radio buttons are exclusive.


void PopupDisplayName(const std::string &item, const std::string &display_name)

This function modifies the display name of a popup menu entry.


void PopupEnableItem(const std::string &item, bool enabled)

This function enables or disables the specified popup menu entry.


void PopupEnableItemCommand(const std::string &item,
                            const std::string &command)

This function sets the update command on the given entry in the popup menu.


void PopupEndRadioGroup()

This function ends the radio group begun by PopupBeginRadioGroup.


void PopupRemoveAll()

This function removes all entries from the popup menu.


void PopupRemoveItem(const std::string &item)

This function removes the specified entry from the popup menu.


bool ProgressbarUpdate(int count, int total)

Updates the application progress bar based on the specified count and total parameters.


unsigned int PromptAtomicNum(const std::string &caption, unsigned int def=6)

Prompts the user to specify an element from a periodic table dialog.


OEColor PromptColor(const OEColor &deflt=OEColor())

Prompts the user to specify a color.


bool PromptError(const std::string &)

This function prompts the user with an error message.


std::string PromptFilename(const std::string &def="",
                           const std::string &mode="Open",
                           const std::string &type="all",
                           const std::string &msg="")

This function prompts the user for a filename. The parameters specify the default value, whether it should be an ‘Open’ or ‘Save’ dialog, and what kind of file.


  PromptFilenames(const std::vector<std::string> &def=std::vector<std::string>(),
                  const std::string &type="all", const std::string &msg="")

This function prompts the user for a collection of filenames. The parameters specify the default value, whether it should be an ‘Open’ or ‘Save’ dialog, and what kind of files.


float PromptFloat(const std::string &prompt, float def=0.0f,
                  unsigned int prec=5)

This function prompts the user for a floating point number.


std::string PromptFont()

Prompts the user to specify a desired font.


unsigned int PromptID(unsigned int filters=0xF0FF, bool preview=true)
unsigned int PromptID(std::vector<std::string> filterList, bool preview=true)

This function prompts the user for an ID from the currently loaded set.

Unsigned integer filters are an OR’ed combination of the following values.

  • PromptFilter_Molecules

  • PromptFilter_Surfaces

  • PromptFilter_Grids

  • PromptFilter_Lists

  • PromptFilter_Reflections

  • PromptFilter_Selected

  • PromptFilter_Active

  • PromptFilter_Marked

  • PromptFilter_Visible

  • PromptFilter_Unknown

  • PromptFilter_All

String filters are just placed in a list:

  • ‘M’ or ‘m’ for molecules

  • ‘S’ or ‘s’ for surfaces

  • ‘R’ or ‘r’ for reflections

  • ‘G’ or ‘g’ for grids

  • ‘L’ or ‘l’ for lists

  • ‘O’ or ‘o’ for Unknown objects

For example, to prompt for Molecules and Surfaces:

id = PromptID(PromptFilter_Molecules | PromptFilter_Surfaces)


id = PromptID([‘M’,’S’])


std::vector<std::string> PromptIDWriteFilters(const std::string &fname)

This function returns the valid types that can be written to the type of file specified by the filename parameter.


std::vector<unsigned int> PromptIDs(unsigned int filters=0xF0FF,
                                    bool preview=true)
std::vector<unsigned int> PromptIDs(const std::vector<std::string> &filterList,
                                    bool preview=true)

This function prompts the user for several IDs from the currently loaded set.

See PromptID for the list of available filters.


int PromptInteger(const std::string &msg, int def=0)

This function prompts the user for an integer.


OEPropDB::OEKey PromptKey(unsigned int filters=0xF0FF, bool preview=true)
OEPropDB::OEKey PromptKey(const std::vector<std::string> &filterList,
                          bool preview=true)

This function prompts the user for a key.

See PromptID for the list of available filters.


  PromptKeys(const std::vector<std::string> &filterList, bool preview=true)
std::vector<OEPropDB::OEKey> PromptKeys(unsigned int filters=0xF0FF,
                                        bool preview=true)

This function prompts the user for a collection of key.

See PromptID for the list of available filters.


bool PromptMessage(const std::string &msg)

This function alerts the user with a message and an OK button.


std::string PromptModeGet()


bool PromptModeSet(const std::string &mod)


std::string PromptMolecule(const std::string &caption)

Prompts the user to input a molecule fragment using the built-in molecule input dialog. Returns a hexadecimal encoded OEB string representation of the fragment. In addition to specifying a molecular fragment, the user will be required to define an attachment point, either by including a dummy atom or a selected atom or bond.


std::string PromptMolecule(const std::string &caption,
                           const std::string &def="", unsigned int options=21)

Prompts the user to specify a molecule using the built-in molecule input dialog. Returns a hexadecimal encoded OEB string representation of the molecule.


std::string PromptMoleculeSplit(unsigned int id)

Launches a dialog to assist in the splitting of the specified molecule.


bool PromptMulti(const std::string &prompt, std::vector<std::string> names,
                 std::vector<std::string> types,
                 std::vector<std::string> defs,
                 std::vector<OEInterpreter::OEMultiTypeVar> &out)

This function prompts the user for several different types of variables and returns them in a list.


std::string PromptQuery(const std::string &def="")

This function prompts the user for a query string for calls to ListSubsetQuery.


void PromptResponseBool(const std::string &msg, bool v, bool forceInter)

This function pushes a boolean response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseCanceled(const std::string &)

This function pushes a cancel response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseColor(const std::string &type, const OESystem::OEColor &c,
                         bool forceInteractive)

This function pushes a color response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseFloat(const std::string &type, float v, bool forceInter)

This function pushes a floating point response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseInt(const std::string &type, int v, bool forceInter=false)

This function pushes an integer response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseKey(const std::string &type, const OEPropDB::OEKey &key,
                       bool forceInteractive=false)

This function pushes a key response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseKeys(const std::string &type,
                        std::vector<OEPropDB::OEKey> &keys,
                        bool forceInteractive=false)

This function pushes a collection of keys response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseString(const std::string &type, const std::string &v,
                          bool forceInteractive=false)

This function pushes a string response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseUInt(const std::string &type, unsigned int v,
                        bool forceInteractive=false)

This function pushes a positive integer response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseVectInt(const std::string &type,
                           const std::vector<int> &value,
                           bool forceInteractive=false)

This function pushes a list-of-integers response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseVectMulti(const std::string &type,
                             const std::vector<OEInterpreter::OEMultiTypeVar> &value,
                             bool forceInteractive=false)


void PromptResponseVectString(const std::string &type,
                              const std::vector<std::string> &value,
                              bool forInteractive=false)

This function pushes a list-of-strings response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void PromptResponseVectUInt(const std::string &type,
                            const std::vector<unsigned int> &value,
                            bool forceInteractive=false)

This function pushes a list-of-positive-integers response to an upcoming Prompt, allowing it to be skipped in scripts. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


std::string PromptSaveFilename(const std::vector<unsigned int> &ids,
                               const std::string &msg="")
std::string PromptSaveFilename(const std::vector<OEPropDB::OEKey> &keys,
                               const std::string &msg="")
std::vector<std::string> PromptSaveFilename(const std::string &filters,
                                            const std::string &msg="")

This function prompts the user to select a file for saving. The filters parameter allows for specification of filter types to be shown in the file dialog. Individual filters should be separated by a pair of semicolons like this:

“OpenEye OEBinary (.oeb);;All Files (.*)”

The msg parameter allows for specification of the caption of the file dialog. This function returns a list where the first member is the selected filename and the second is the selected filter. If the user cancels the prompt, the returned list will be empty.

See PromptID for the list of available filters.


std::string PromptSmiles(const std::string &caption, const std::string &def="",
                         unsigned int options=21)

Prompts the user to specify a molecule using the built-in molecule input dialog. The molecule is returned as a SMILES string.


std::string PromptString(const std::string &prompt="",
                         const std::string &def="", bool lineMode=true,
                         bool editable=true)

This function prompts the user for a string.


void PromptStringListFromString(const std::string &in,
                                std::vector<std::string> &options,
                                unsigned int &def)

This function prompts the user for a string.


std::string PromptStringListToString(const std::vector<std::string> &options,
                                     unsigned int def)
std::string PromptStringListToString(const std::vector<std::string> &options,
                                     const std::string &def)

This function generates a list of strings from a formatted string. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


bool PromptYesNo(const std::string &prompt, const std::string &key="")
bool PromptYesNo(const std::string &prompt, bool &check,
                 const std::string &key="")

This function prompts the user for a yes or no answer.


bool PromptYesNoSetDefault(const std::string &key, bool def)

This function prompts the user for a yes or no answer.


void PushIgnoreHint(bool ignore)

This function delays update actions for the following commands until a PopIgnoreHint is called. PushIgnoreHint and PopIgnoreHints MUST match.


void SetProgressbar(int index, int total)

This function sets the progress bar to the specified value.


void ToolbarAddSeparator(const std::string &toolbar="Application")

Adds a separator to the specified toolbar.


void ToolbarAddToggle(const std::string &onText, const std::string &offText,
                      const std::string &onCommand,
                      const std::string &offCommand, const std::string &desc,
                      const std::string &update,
                      const std::string &toolbar="Application",
                      const std::string &name="", int margin=5)
void ToolbarAddToggle(const std::vector<std::string> &onIcon,
                      const std::vector<std::string> &offIcon,
                      const std::string &onCommand,
                      const std::string &offCommand, const std::string &desc,
                      const std::string &update,
                      const std::string &toolbar="Application",
                      const std::string &name="")

Adds a single standard toggle button to the specified toolbar. Both on and off icons can be specified as parameters (in XPM format). Commands for both the on and off states can be specified and will be executed when the associated button enters that state.


  void ToolbarBeginRadio(const std::string &name,
                         const std::string &toolbar="Application")

Begins a named group of mutually exclusive radio buttons in the specified


bool ToolbarButtonEnableGet(const std::string &name,
                            const std::string &toolbar="Application")

Returns whether or not the specified button in the specified toolbar is currently enabled.


void ToolbarButtonEnableSet(const std::string &name, bool enabled,
                            const std::string &toolbar="Application")

Sets whether or not the specified button in the specified toolbar is currently enabled.


void ToolbarCreate(const std::string &toolbar)

Creates a new toolbar with the specified name.


bool ToolbarEnabledGet(const std::string &toolbar="Application")

Returns whether or not the specified toolbar is currently enabled.


bool ToolbarEnabledSet(bool vis, const std::string &toolbar="Application")

Sets whether or not the specified toolbar is currently enabled.


void ToolbarEndRadio(const std::string &name,
                     const std::string &toolbar="Application")

Ends the named group of mutually exclusive radio buttons in the specified toolbar.


std::vector<std::string> ToolbarGetAll()

Returns a list of all the existing toolbars in VIDA.


bool ToolbarItemCheckedGet(const std::string &name, const std::string &toolbar)

Returns whether or not the specified toolbar item in the specified toolbar is currently checked.


bool ToolbarItemCheckedSet(bool, const std::string &name,
                           const std::string &toolbar)

Sets whether or not the specified toolbar item in the specified toolbar is currently checked.


void ToolbarItemUpdate(const std::string &name, const std::string &toolbar)

Causes the specified toolbar item in the specified toolbar to update itself.


bool ToolbarItemVisibleGet(const std::string &name, const std::string &toolbar)

Returns whether or no the specified toolbar item in the specified toolbar is currently visible.


bool ToolbarItemVisibleSet(bool, const std::string &name,
                           const std::string &toolbar)

Sets whether or not the specified toolbar item in the specified toolbar is currently visible.


void ToolbarRemove(const std::string &toolbar)
void ToolbarRemove(const std::string &toolbar, const std::string &name)

Removes the specified toolbar from VIDA. Please not that when a toolbar is removed, it is deleted from the application and not simply hidden.


void ToolbarUpdate(const std::string &toolbar)

Updates the specified toolbar.


bool ToolbarVisibleGet(const std::string &toolbar="Application")

Returns whether or not the specified toolbar is currently visible.


bool ToolbarVisibleSet(bool vis, const std::string &toolbar="Application")

Sets whether or not the specified toolbar is currently visible.


void UpdateStyleWidget()

This function notifies the style widget that it should update itself due to changes that might affect its display.


void UpdateUndo()

This function updates the undo menu. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


OEGLTextBox *ViewerActiveAnnotation(int x=-1, int y=-1, int w=-1, int h=-1)

Create the active annotation.


OESystem::OEColor ViewerActiveAnnotationBackgroundColorGet()

Return the background color for the active annotation.


void ViewerActiveAnnotationBackgroundColorSet(const OESystem::OEColor &clr)

Set the background color for the active annotation.


void ViewerActiveAnnotationClose()

Close the active annotation window.


std::string ViewerActiveAnnotationFontGet()

Return the font used for the active annotation.


void ViewerActiveAnnotationFontSet(const std::string &font)

Set the font used for the active annotation. Uses fonts as returned by the PromptFont scripting command.


OESystem::OEColor ViewerActiveAnnotationForegroundColorGet()

Returns the foreground (text) color used in the active annotation.


void ViewerActiveAnnotationForegroundColorSet(const OESystem::OEColor &clr)

Sets the foreground (text) color for the active annotation.


bool ViewerActiveAnnotationVisible()

Returns whether or not the active annotation is visible.


unsigned int ViewerActiveDataFontSizeGet()

Returns the font size for the active data display.


void ViewerActiveDataFontSizeSet(unsigned int sz)

Sets the font size for the active data display.


OEGLDataView *ViewerActiveDataHide()

Hides the active data display.


OEGLDataView *ViewerActiveDataShow()
OEGLDataView *ViewerActiveDataShow(int x, int y, int h, int w)

Returns and shows the active data display.


bool ViewerActiveDataVisible()

Returns whether or not the active data display is currently visible in the 3D display.


OEGLHList *ViewerBookmarkWidget()

Returns a reference to the bookmark control widget.


unsigned int ViewerBookmarkWidgetFontSizeGet()

Returns the size of the font used in the bookmark control widget.


void ViewerBookmarkWidgetFontSizeSet(unsigned int sz)

Sets the size of the font used in the bookmark control widget.


OEGLHList *ViewerBookmarkWidgetHide()

Hides the bookmark control widget from the 3D display.


OEGLHList *ViewerBookmarkWidgetShow()

Shows the bookmark control widget in the 3D display.


OEGLButton *ViewerButtonImage(const std::string &image,
                              const std::string &callback,
                              int x, int y, int w=-1, int h=-1)

Creates and returns a clickable button in the 3D display. The image parameter specifies the name of the icon to be displayed on the button. The callback parameter specifies the Python function to be executed when the button is clicked on. The position and dimensions of the button are specified by the parameters x, y, w, and h.


void ViewerClick(int fxn, int x, int y, int gX, int gY, int w, int h)

This function performs an action in the display corresponding to a mouse click event in the 3D display window. Ordinarily, this function should not need to be called by the user.


void ViewerCursorSet(const std::string &mode)

This function sets the cursor style based on the mode parameter. Valid mode parameters are:

  • arrow - sets the cursor to the standard arrow cursor

  • back diagonal arrow - sets the cursor to a backwards diagonal double-ended arrow

  • blank - sets the cursor to a blank cursor (no cursor will appear)

  • busy - sets the cursor to be a busy indicator (an hourglass on many systems)

  • closed hand - sets the cursor to be a closed hand

  • cross - sets the cursor to two crossed lines

  • double arrow - sets the cursor to two crossed double-ended arrows

  • forbidden - sets the cursor to be a circle with a cross line through it

  • forward diagonal arrow - sets the cursor to a forwards diagonal double-ended arrow

  • horizontal arrow - sets the cursor to a horizontal double-ended arrow

  • ibeam - sets the cursor to an ibeam style cursor

  • open hand - sets the cursor to be an open hand

  • pointing - sets the cursor to be a pointing hand

  • rotation - same as cross

  • split horizontal - sets the cursor to two parallel horizontal lines with perpendicular arrows coming out of each line

  • split vertical - sets the cursor to two parallel vertical lines with perpendicular arrows coming out of each line

  • translation - same as double arrow

  • up arrow - sets the cursor to an upwards point arrow

  • vertical arrow - sets the cursor to a vertical double-ended arrow

  • wait - sets the cursor to a waiting indicator (an hourglass on many systems)

  • whats this - sets the cursor to be an arrow with an adjacent question mark


OEGLImage *ViewerDepict(const OEPropDB::OEKey &key, int x, int y, int width,
                        int height)

Creates and returns a depiction widget for the 3D display. The key parameter specifies which molecule to use for the depiction. The position and dimensions of the widget are specified by the x, y, width, and height parameters.


bool ViewerDepictionAntiAliasGet()

Returns whether or not the lines used in drawing depictions in the 3D display should be anti-aliased.


void ViewerDepictionAntiAliasSet(bool s)

Sets whether or not the lines used in drawing depictions in the 3D display should be anti-aliased.


float ViewerDepictionHeightGet()

Returns the percent of the total height of the 3D display that the active depiction display uses when drawing onto the 3D display.


float ViewerDepictionLineWidthGet()

Returns the width of the lines used in drawing depictions in the 3D display.


void ViewerDepictionLineWidthSet(float lw)

Sets the width of the lines used in drawing depictions in the 3D display.


float ViewerDepictionSizeSet(float percent)
float ViewerDepictionSizeSet(float perc_w, float perc_h)

Sets the percents of the total width and height of the 3D display that the active depiction display uses when drawing onto the 3D display. The perc_w parameter specifies the percent width and the perc_h specifies the percent height.


float ViewerDepictionWidthGet()

Returns the percent of the total width of the 3D display that the active depiction display uses when drawing onto the 3D display.


OEGLLabel *ViewerLabel(const std::string &message, int x, int y)

Creates and returns a text label which is displayed in the 3D window. The text is specified by the message parameter and the position is specified by the x and y parameters.


void ViewerLabelDialog(const std::string &type)

Opens a dialog which allows the user to specify what types of labels to apply to either atoms or bonds.


void ViewerMouseClick(unsigned int state, unsigned int action)

This function specifies the desired action that should occur when a mouse click event is generated with the associated state. The state parameter specifies which mouse buttons were clicked as well as whether any modifier keys were depressed at the same time. State parameters can be added together to specify complicated states. Valid state parameters are:

  • MouseState_None

  • MouseState_Left

  • MouseState_Middle

  • MouseState_Right

  • MouseState_Shift

  • MouseState_Control

  • MouseState_Alt

Action parameters are distinct and cannot be added together like state parameters. Valid action parameters are:

  • MouseClick_None

  • MouseClick_Menu - creates a context specific popup menu

  • MouseClick_Select - selects the object that was clicked on and clears the

    previous selection

  • MouseClick_SelectAdd - selects the object that was clicked on, but does not

    clear the previous selection

  • MouseClick_SelectGrow - extends the selection of the object that was

    clicked on: atom -> residue -> chain -> mol and clears the previous selection

  • MouseClick_SelectAddGrow - extends the selection of the object that was

    clicked on: atom -> residue -> chain -> mol and clears the previous selection

  • MouseClick_SelectToggle - toggles the selection of the object that was

    clicked on

  • MouseClick_Label - displays a context specific label corresponding to the

    object that was clicked on


void ViewerMouseDoubleClick(unsigned int state, unsigned int action)

This function specifies the desired action that should occur when a mouse double-click event is generated with the associated state. The state parameter specifies which mouse buttons were clicked as well as whether any modifier keys were depressed at the same time. State parameters can be added together to specify complicated states. Valid state parameters are:

  • MouseState_None

  • MouseState_Left

  • MouseState_Middle

  • MouseState_Right

  • MouseState_Shift

  • MouseState_Control

  • MouseState_Alt

Action parameters are distinct and cannot be added together like state parameters. Valid action parameters are:

  • MouseClick_None

  • MouseClick_Menu - creates a context specific popup menu

  • MouseClick_Select - selects the object that was clicked on and clears the

    previous selection

  • MouseClick_SelectAdd - selects the object that was clicked on, but does not

    clear the previous selection

  • MouseClick_SelectGrow - extends the selection of the object that was

    clicked on: atom -> residue -> chain -> mol and clears the previous selection

  • MouseClick_SelectAddGrow - extends the selection of the object that was

    clicked on: atom -> residue -> chain -> mol and clears the previous selection

  • MouseClick_SelectToggle - toggles the selection of the object that was

    clicked on

  • MouseClick_Label - displays a context specific label corresponding to the

    object that was clicked on


unsigned int ViewerMouseFunctionGet()

Returns the current function of the mouse when used in the 3D display. For more details on the different types of functions, please see the documentation for ViewerMouseFunctionSet.


std::string ViewerMouseFunctionNameGet(unsigned int)

Returns the name of the specified mouse function.


void ViewerMouseFunctionSet(unsigned int action)
void ViewerMouseFunctionSet(const std::string &)

Sets the current function of the mouse when used in the 3D display. Valid functions are:

  • MouseClick_None - this tells the mouse to act according to behaviors specified by the current mouse map (this is the default behavior)

  • MouseClick_Label - this mode causes a detailed information label to appear on the screen regarding whatever is currently under the cursor

  • MouseClick_MeasureAngle - this puts the mouse into angle measurement mode

  • MouseClick_MeasureDistance - this puts the mouse into distance measurement mode

  • MouseClick_MeasureTorsion - this puts the mouse into torsion measurement mode


void ViewerMouseMap(const std::string &map)

This function sets the current mouse mapping. Valid parameters include:

  • vida

  • afitt

  • coot

  • insight

  • moe

  • o

  • quanta

  • rasmol

  • sybyl

  • maestro


void ViewerMouseMove(unsigned int state, unsigned int action,
                     unsigned int loc=OEGUI::MouseLocation::Both,
                     unsigned int dir=OEGUI::MouseDirection::Both)

This function specifies the desired action that should occur when a mouse movement event is generated with the associated state, in the specified location, and in the specified direction. The state parameter specifies which mouse buttons were clicked as well as whether any modifier keys were depressed at the same time. State parameters can be added together to specify complicated states. Valid state parameters are:

  • MouseState_None

  • MouseState_Left

  • MouseState_Middle

  • MouseState_Right

  • MouseState_Shift

  • MouseState_Control

  • MouseState_Alt

The location parameter specifies whether the mouse was inside or outside a central circular region in the 3D display. The bounds of this region can be displayed using the ViewerShowTrackballGuideSet scripting command. Valid location parameters are:

  • MouseLocation_None

  • MouseLocation_Inside

  • MouseLocation_Outside

  • MouseLocation_Both

The direction parameter specifies which direction of mouse motion should control the action. Valid direction parameters are:

  • MouseDirection_None

  • MouseDirection_X

  • MouseDirection_Y

  • MouseDirection_Both

Action parameters are distinct and cannot be added together like state parameters. Valid action parameters are:

  • MouseMotion_None

  • MouseMotion_RotateX - rotates the display along the X axis

  • MouseMotion_RotateY - rotates the display along the Y axis

  • MouseMotion_RotateZ - rotates the display along the Z axis

  • MouseMotion_Trackball - rotates the display using a trackball motion

  • MouseMotion_TranslateXY - translates the display along the X and Y axes

  • MouseMotion_TranslateX - translates the display along the X axis

  • MouseMotion_TranslateY - translates the display along the Y axis

  • MouseMotion_TranslateZ - translates the display along the Z axis

  • MouseMotion_Zoom - zooms the display

  • MouseMotion_Clip - controls the position of the far and near clipping

    planes in a mirrored fashion

  • MouseMotion_ClipFar - controls the position of the far clipping plane

  • MouseMotion_ClipNear - controls the position of the near clipping plane

  • MouseMotion_DepthcueBegin - controls the position of the start of the

    depthcueing calculation

  • MouseMotion_DepthcueEnd - controls the position of the end of the

    depthcueing calculation

  • MouseMotion_SelectRect - draws a rectangle on the screen and will select

    the entire contents of that rectangle when the mouse button is released while clearing the previous selection

  • MouseMotion_SelectRectAdd - draws a rectangle on the screen and will select

    the entire contents of that rectangle when the mouse button is released while keeping the previous selection

  • MouseMotion_Label - displays a context specific label containing

    information about whatever object is currently beneath the mouse

  • MouseMotion_Contour - adjusts the contour level of the grid contours in the

    current scope

  • MouseMotion_TextScale - adjusts the size of the text displayed in the 3D



bool ViewerMouseOutsideAwareGet()

Returns whether or not the display window recognizes mouse motion along the outside edge of the window as a potentially different action from mouse motion in the interior of the window. Ordinarily, this function should not need to be called by the user.


bool ViewerMouseOutsideAwareSet(bool aware)

Sets whether or not the display window recognizes mouse motion along the outside edge of the window as a potentially different action from mouse motion in the interior of the window. Ordinarily, this function should not need to be called by the user.


void ViewerMouseReset()

Clears the current mouse mapping. Ordinarily, this function should not need to be called by the user. Furthermore, calling this function without rebuilding the mouse map will disable all interaction with the 3D window.


float ViewerMouseSensitivityGet()

Returns the sensitivity of mouse event detection in the 3D window.


float ViewerMouseSensitivitySet(float s)

Sets the sensitivity of mouse event detection in the 3D window.


void ViewerMouseWheel(unsigned int state, unsigned int action)

This function specifies the desired action that should occur when a mouse wheel event is generated with the associated state. The state parameter specifies whether any modifier keys were depressed at the same time. State parameters can be added together to specify complicated states. Valid state parameters are:

  • MouseState_None

  • MouseState_Shift

  • MouseState_Control

  • MouseState_Alt

Action parameters are distinct and cannot be added together like state parameters. Valid action parameters are:

  • MouseMotion_None

  • MouseMotion_RotateX - rotates the display along the X axis

  • MouseMotion_RotateY - rotates the display along the Y axis

  • MouseMotion_RotateZ - rotates the display along the Z axis

  • MouseMotion_TranslateX - translates the display along the X axis

  • MouseMotion_TranslateY - translates the display along the Y axis

  • MouseMotion_TranslateZ - translates the display along the Z axis

  • MouseMotion_Zoom - zooms the display

  • MouseMotion_Clip - controls the position of the far and near clipping

    planes in a mirrored fashion

  • MouseMotion_ClipFar - controls the position of the far clipping plane

  • MouseMotion_ClipNear - controls the position of the near clipping plane

  • MouseMotion_DepthcueBegin - controls the position of the start of the

    depthcueing calculation

  • MouseMotion_DepthcueEnd - controls the position of the end of the

    depthcueing calculation

  • MouseMotion_Contour - adjusts the contour level of the grid contours in the

    current scope

  • MouseMotion_TextScale - adjusts the size of the text displayed in the 3D



void ViewerMove(int fxnX, int fxnY, int x, int y, int oldx, int oldy, int w, int h,
                bool first)

This function performs an action in the display window corresponding to a mouse move event in the 3D display window. Ordinarily, this function should not need to be called by the user.


bool ViewerPickSurfaceTrianglesGet()

Returns whether or not picking on a surface picks individual triangles as opposed to picking the entire surface. Ordinarily, this function should not need to be called by the user.


bool ViewerPickSurfaceTrianglesSet(bool enable)

Sets whether or not picking on a surface picks individual triangles as opposed to picking the entire surface. Ordinarily, this function should not need to be called by the user.


OEGLProgress *ViewerProgress(const std::string &message)

Creates and returns a progress bar display shown in the 3D window. The message parameter specifies the text associated with the progress bar.


void ViewerRemoveWidget(OEGLWidget *widget, bool update)

This function removes the specified widget from the 3D display. The update parameter specifies whether or not all the other widgets in the 3D display need to be updated as a result of this change.


OEGLTextBox *ViewerTextBox(const OEPropDB::OEKey &key, int x=-1, int y=-1,
                           int w=-1, int h=-1)
OEGLTextBox *ViewerTextBox(const std::string &message, int x=-1, int y=-1,
                           int w=-1, int h=-1)

Creates and returns a text display widget to be shown in the 3D display. The parameter message specifies the current text. The position and dimensions of the widget are specified by the parameters x, y, w, and h.


bool ViewerUseInertiaGet()

Returns whether or not the 3D display window tracks the inertia of mouse movements and uses that to keep the scene spinning after the mouse button is released.


bool ViewerUseInertiaSet(bool state)

Sets whether or not the 3D display window tracks the inertia of mouse movements and uses that to keep the scene spinning after the mouse button is released.


bool ViewerUseKeyMapGet()

Returns whether or not the viewer is using its own internal key bindings. Ordinarily, this function does not need to be called by the user.


bool ViewerUseKeyMapSet(bool state)

Sets whether or not the viewer is using its own internal key bindings. Ordinarily, this function does not need to be called by the user.


void ViewerWheel(int fxn, int x, int y, int delta)

This function performs an action in the display window corresponding to a mouse wheel event in the 3D display window. Ordinarily, this function should not need to be called by the user.


void ViewerWidgetUpdate()

Forces an update of all the display widgets in the 3D display.


void WaitBegin()

This function sets the application in a waiting state. It is used for long operations. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


void WaitEnd()

This function stops the application in a waiting state. It is used for long operations. Ordinarily this function should not need to be called by the user.


bool WindowEnabledGet(const std::string &windowName)

Returns whether or not the specified window is enabled for use within VIDA.


void WindowEnabledSet(const std::string &windowName, bool enabled)

Sets whether or not the specified window is enabled for use within VIDA.


void WindowMenuUpdate()

Updates the contents of the main Window menu.


void WindowRegisterHotkey(const std::string &windowName,
                          const std::string &keystroke,
                          const std::string &pyCommand)

Registers the specified keystroke with the associated Python command in the specified window. If this keystroke is detected when the specified window has the application focus, the associated command will be run.


bool WindowVisibleGet(const std::string &windowName)

Returns whether or not the specified window is currently visible.


bool WindowVisibleSet(const std::string &windowName, bool visible,
                      const std::string &pos="")

Sets whether or not the specified window is currently visible.